Great pics! My girlfriend and I have spent a little time around North Cascades NP and Olympic NP and we absolutely fell in love with Washington... We also fell in love with the western side of Montana for that matterWe really want to move out west in a few years when she finishes up school. Your pictures make me wish we could hurry up and get out there. Thanks for sharing and nice rigs!
Nice photos man! Glad to see you got out a lot this summer.
Awesome man, have always enjoyed your build and looking through your trips. Keep it up.
Great pics! Love the build
Great pictures!!!
Down! Lets get some snow wheeling trips going!
Wish I could see all your pics. Stupid PB....
Let's do it. Anywhere particular in mind?
I despise photobucket with every fiber of my being, trust me. I'm going to fix the photo links eventually, I promise.
Not really sure, I only know of spots off of Highway 2 to be honest... You are south correct? Know of any good spots down that way? I went with David to Capitol forest but it was too early and no snow. I imagine that would be excellent snow wheeling.
Man that is gorgeous. Looks like it was an awesome day. Living in Ohio sucks.
Those are some great pics and it looks like it was a good time despite not making your destination.
SpecV- I think Illinois has Ohio beat in the "boring place to live" department.
Beautiful snow pics !!
Love this build....especially the new style pro4x rims/wheels with the BFG KO2's
Any noticeable difference in the snow between your Xterra with the BFG KO2's and the Xterra with the Goodyear Duratracs ?