The thing about a tandem set up is that the axles/tires "walk" over obstacles. The first one goes up but only raises the trailer by one half of the wheel travel. That's what the equalizer is for. As it is going down the other is coming up but the trailer stays only half up. The springs should not be compressed as a pair anymore than they are sitting still. Even if they are, you're still only talking about the flattening of one half of the spring nearest the fixed hanger and the resulting elongation of that spring. In your diagram, the difference in the length of the spring between the fixed hanger and the axle when flat or curved, nowhere near an inch. Personally, I don't have any worry at all about it. At most it would produce a quick skid if the tires did touch. My concern for clearance is in the event of a tire tread failure. If you're worried about it do like you said and set a jack under one axle and see how much it moves by the time the other axle is raised. By the time the movable eye of the spring touches the frame that should be your worst case scenario