I thought I would add some more information here.
This petition, the so-called "Semi-Primitive Blah Blah Blah," would introduce legislation that would permanently forbid any future legislation anywhere in the United States aimed at increasing protection for any piece of public land. Anything: no more Wilderness Areas, no more Wild and Scenic Rivers, no more National Monuments or National Parks. It is, frankly, the most evil piece of work I've ever seen from the motorized whackos.
Imagine if the green whackos submitted legislation that would designate every piece of public land in the country a wilderness area and shut down all roads. This is the equivalent.
I urge - no, I plead - with everyone on Expedition Portal to help kill this quickly. It will do nothing but harm the image of 4WD enthusiasts if it gets beyond the fetal stage.
Incidentally, I went to the website of the parent organization, AAPL, and checked their statistics page. It is full of outright lies about public lands in America, starting with the claim that "half of all National Forest land in the U.S. is designated wildernss." This is patently false. Any organization that must resort to lies to make its case must be viewed by intelligent people with deep suspicion, no matter how much sympathy one might have for aspects of their cause.