Just found this online

Jonathan Hanson

Well-known member
I thought I would add some more information here.

This petition, the so-called "Semi-Primitive Blah Blah Blah," would introduce legislation that would permanently forbid any future legislation anywhere in the United States aimed at increasing protection for any piece of public land. Anything: no more Wilderness Areas, no more Wild and Scenic Rivers, no more National Monuments or National Parks. It is, frankly, the most evil piece of work I've ever seen from the motorized whackos.

Imagine if the green whackos submitted legislation that would designate every piece of public land in the country a wilderness area and shut down all roads. This is the equivalent.

I urge - no, I plead - with everyone on Expedition Portal to help kill this quickly. It will do nothing but harm the image of 4WD enthusiasts if it gets beyond the fetal stage.

Incidentally, I went to the website of the parent organization, AAPL, and checked their statistics page. It is full of outright lies about public lands in America, starting with the claim that "half of all National Forest land in the U.S. is designated wildernss." This is patently false. Any organization that must resort to lies to make its case must be viewed by intelligent people with deep suspicion, no matter how much sympathy one might have for aspects of their cause.


Expedition Leader
Jonathan Hanson said:
I urge - no, I plead - with everyone on Expedition Portal to help kill this quickly.
By doing what? It's an honest question, not a challenge. Seriously . . . just don't sign the petition or something more proactive?


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
Jonathan Hanson said:
Incidentally, I went to the website of the parent organization, AAPL, and checked their statistics page. It is full of outright lies about public lands in America, starting with the claim that "half of all National Forest land in the U.S. is designated wildernss." This is patently false. Any organization that must resort to lies to make its case must be viewed by intelligent people with deep suspicion, no matter how much sympathy one might have for aspects of their cause.

In addition, this group says:

"There is no cost to join Advocates for Access to Public Lands AAPL. However we encourage members to make a donation to help cover our expenses & to increase our ability to preserve access to public lands for future generations. All monies are used to further the mission and goals of the organization. We are a registered non-profit corporation (501C.3). All donations go directly to preserving Multiple Use Lands.
All donations are tax deductible!"​

I just got off the phone with the IRS. They have no record of this organization, and I also downloaded the entire list of registered 501c3 organizations since 1987, and they are not on that (Publication 78, IRS).

So, I called the number (Bishop, CA) and there is no answer. I sent an email requesting their IRS tax determination letter and EIN (the federal number identifying 501c3s and others), just in case they filed their non-profit status under another name (and if they did, if you donate to Advocates for Access to Public Lands it's still not legally tax deductible).

Nothing back from them yet.


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
articulate said:
By doing what? It's an honest question, not a challenge. Seriously . . . just don't sign the petition or something more proactive?

At this point it's just a petition for introducing legislation (don't even know who the sponsors would be). Just if anyone sends you an email urging you to sign it or you see it another forum, educate folks politely that this group is not only spreading misinformation, they might actually not be a legitimate group at all, for they may be soliciting funds under false pretenses, at least as far as we know at this point.


Expedition Leader
Jonathan Hanson said:
Any organization that must resort to lies to make its case must be viewed by intelligent people with deep suspicion, no matter how much sympathy one might have for aspects of their cause.



Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
Sounds like two competing groups trying to fight wilderness designations.

I'm a deeply suspicious sort to begin with :)ylsmoke: ) and guess that these guys are all somehow funded by or connected to the Blue Ribbon Coalition and their types.

But I have yet to hear back from the "Advocates for Access to Public Lands" about their legal status, which I think might be fake. If so, someone's raising lots of money under false pretenses.


Oh man, Rose....reading that, makes you want to throw your hands in the air and run away screaming...."I give up!"

Who do you believe?

I really think I give up...can't trust anyone....:( ...so many hidden agendas


It almost looks like to me somebody is just trying to get name and address for other uses. Heck, the PLP did not know they existed or who they are, and the PLP are one of the true groups that fight to keep our public lands open.

That makes me suspicious of this group as with the fact no one has seemed to have gotten any answers about or from them.


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
Kermit said:
Oh man, Rose....reading that, makes you want to throw your hands in the air and run away screaming...."I give up!"

Who do you believe?

I really think I give up...can't trust anyone....:( ...so many hidden agendas

I misquote badly and possibily inappropriately (what's new then?) . . . "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph over good is for good men to stand by and do nothing."

Okay, so not so dramatic in this case, but it's great that you're paying attention and then acting - it's better than 99% of folks out there!

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