Just got myself an Oztent but have a question


New member
I bought today a used but great condition Oztent RV1

the tent has been well looked after and I cant wait to get to use it.
I noticed that there were a couple of patches of stretched canvas at the hinges from being folded. Is this a week spot on the oztent. Is there anything I should to to protect it here or is the canvas strong enough as it is


Kapitis Indagatoris
Got a picture?

I've had a couple and never had an issue with canvas/textile blowing out but, they've been out awhile and made by different manufactures so textiles/design may have changed.


New member
the photo does not show much.

when I first unpacked the tent the canvas was very stretched where the hing is on the top bar of the frame. the tent has been up for several hours and the canvas has started to reatain its normal shape.

Maybe Im just being over cautious with my new toy. As I bought it used im am not sure when it was made


could be how it folded when last put away. I have not noticed such a thing on mine. I have had mine (OZ3) for a few years with no adverse issues. Put it up and let it breath for a bit, in the sun if possible to allow everything to soften. Watch a few vids on youtube about them and it may ease your mind. Great tent, in my opinion.


New member
thanks for your help

the layout is just right for me so im hpoing it will last me a good few years and yes the reviews have all been positive


Active member
It's just fine. Should stretch out without a problem. You'll love the tent. I've been running an RV-3 for 4 years now and have had zero issues minus having to patch one section of the floor due to a random ass piece of obsidian at a camp spot. (just glad my hand or foot didn't find it)


New member
thanks for the input so far but I do have another question

I really would like a fly but as the RV1 I have found it impossible to get hold of one. But I though it wont be very difficult to make one from a tarp I will need a compatable zip and a gromet kit.

can anyone tell me what size zipper oztent use . the one on the tent has two markings. a number 8 and a number 111

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