Just passed my tech and general exams!


Studied off and on for a month or so for the tech, found out last week I could take the general at the same time and started studying on Monday. Helps to have a background in fiddling with electronics, but overall not hard on either test. Looking forward to getting my call sign in a few days!

Took the extra test for giggles and scored an 18\50. Need to do some work there but I am happy with the general.

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
Congratulations! :beer:
Going for General is a really cool thing. Glad you got it. So much more you can do.
Yeah, I've heard that the Extra license can be tough for electronics engineers, let alone mere mortals like us... ;)


Thanks folks! Looking forward to getting out there as soon as my callsign is issued. I currently have a pair of the 8w baofeng HTs and a TYT th-9800 quad band radio. Trying to figure out an antenna solution that is durable and doesn't make the 80 look like a pin cushion.


I would just get a dual band antenna of your liking for the Th-9800. I wouldn't worry about 6m or 10m all that much. I would be surprised if the quad band antennas on the market did all that well on 10m anyways.

You could always carry a secondary antenna (quad band, 10m, etc) if you still wanted to use 6 and 10 on rare occasions.
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I would just get a dual band antenna of your liking for the Th-9800. I wouldn't worry about 6m or 10m all that much. I would be surprised if the quad band antennas on the market did all that well on 10m anyways.

You could always carry a secondary antenna (quad band, 10m, etc) if you still wanted to use 6 and 10 on rare occasions.
I have a good 10m antenna with a magnetic base but I have yet to hear any activity on 10m. I am not a huge fan of the quad band antennas as they seem to be somewhat fragile and are a compromise in performance. So, as you suggested I'll be getting a 5\8 wave dual band mast and use it on the mag mount that I have. The 10m mast will live under the back seat unless I need it. 6m seems to be almost as dead as 10m right now so I am probably not going to bother with a 6m mast.... Maybe cut a piece of welding rod in the correct length. We'll see.


SE Expedition Society

I tried the Extra after getting my General too. Cold ---- missed by two questions.
I keep telling myself that I'm going to study and get it but every time I start my eyes glaze over and I crave beer. It's a curse.

WW4SES out.


73 KN4FEH :beer:

I tried the Extra after getting my General too. Cold ---- missed by two questions.
I keep telling myself that I'm going to study and get it but every time I start my eyes glaze over and I crave beer. It's a curse.

WW4SES out.

Impressive! I felt like an 8th grade algebra student taking an advanced calculus test. I don't have any plans to retake the extra exam. I don't foresee ever bumping up against the limits of the general... Still fiddling with the radios and learning things. Figured out today that running at 11.5 volts is too low and that the radio is much happier running at 13-14 but is workable at 11.7 and above.


I don't have any plans to retake the extra exam. I don't foresee ever bumping up against the limits of the general...

I said the same thing, thought General would be all that I needed as it offered most of the ham frequencies.....until the DX I was chasing always seemed to be just outside the General allocations. Needless to say 4 years after originally getting my license I upgraded to Extra. Never say never. :D


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Congrats on passing, that's a real achievement!

Yeah, I've heard that the Extra license can be tough for electronics engineers, let alone mere mortals like us... ;)
I'm an EE and did 50/50 on the Extra. Honestly, it shouldn't be hard for an EE since it is theory heavy on electronics. The Tech and General were both harder for me because they deal a lot more with operating and rules. But since I took the Extra after some time being a General that stuff was well in hand (cue the "The best way to learn is to key the mic.")

It's like the E.I.T. exam, which anyone with an engineering degree had better be able to pass without much effort. The P.E., that was one seriously tough nut but I did that first try. I worked /really/ hard on that, though.


Congratulations KN4FEH. VB has a net each weekday night at 9:00 and an ARES Tuesdays at 08:00. 146.970. I forget the PL codes to talk. Do you have the Repeater Book app? That will list the local info.

I had the same viewpoint you have about the Extra. But a few months later, the bug bit and I took the last test.

Jeff W4PIN


Congratulations KN4FEH. VB has a net each weekday night at 9:00 and an ARES Tuesdays at 08:00. 146.970. I forget the PL codes to talk. Do you have the Repeater Book app? That will list the local info.

I had the same viewpoint you have about the Extra. But a few months later, the bug bit and I took the last test.

Jeff W4PIN

Thanks! I have been listening in to any net that I can receive and have checked into the public service net on a few occasions. Steadily learning things!

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