Kinda like a drivers license. Why don't you man up and skip that too
Look, it's not for everyone. But to say you don't/won't support or follow the rules because of some cranky old-timers that you have zero reason to interact with is like saying you're not going to get a drivers license because grey-hairs drive slow in the fast lane. Or "I'm not leaving the US because I've heard Mexico is dangerous"... knee jerks based on stereotypes that are often in fact untrue.
I'm a younger guy, 30 year from retirement and I have been a ham operator for 10 years... we are not all old hams. I chat on the local ham repeater on occasion but primarily I use it for trail comms and race efforts. Could I run in those scenario's sans a license? Surely, many do but why not invest in something that is a vital part of your off-road experience? Why not promote legal and responsible use of communications?
CB radio's just brink the suck in most circumstances. Often you can't turn your squelch up high enough to drown out the "trucker poetry" being blasted throughout many channels on high-output machines. You can be 100 miles from an Interstate and get blasted with interference. I'd dread seeing HAM get a similar following...