Looking good in there! Nice use of the backboard slots. I had originally used them to store some bed padding, but went w/ the fold down inner bed. That was after we were using the bed as a couch, and had to change over in a cold mountain rain/snow storm. It wasn't fun having to open the back doors, get out in the cold, chill down the rig, get wet, then get back in. Just something to think about. That's why I started thinking of running the bed across the back, and removing a cabinet.
I see a child seat installed in the rear-facing attendant seat. I thought I was fine to use it on my ambo, but I did some research and found out that no US car seats are rated for buckling into rear-facing seats or side-facing seats. Thus it's illegal in some states to install a seat against the manufacturers recommendations. The only solution is then to put the car seat in the front seat, but then you need to turn off the airbags. On the old E350s, if you turn off/disconnect one, both stop working. PITA not having the newer airbag-off switch.
California regulations:
Child Restraint System and Safety Seats
Your child must be secured by either a federally-approved child passenger restraint system or a safety belt depending on their height and age.
- Children under 2 years old must be secured in a rear-facing child passenger restraint system unless the child is 40 pounds or more, or 3 feet 4 inches or taller.
- Children under 8 years old must be properly secured in a federally- approved child passenger restraint system.
- Children under 8 years old may ride in the front seat of a vehicle in a federally-approved child passenger restraint system under the following instances:
- There is no rear seat.
- The rear seats are side-facing jump seats.
- The rear seats are rear-facing seats.
- The child passenger restraint system cannot be installed properly in the rear seat.
- All rear seats are already occupied by children 7 years old or younger.
- Medical reasons require the child to not ride in the back seat.
- A child may not ride in the front seat of an airbag equipped vehicle if they are in a rear-facing child passenger restraint system.
- Children who are 8 years old or older OR who have reached at least 4 feet 9 inches in height may use a properly secured safety belt meeting federal standards.
Not to start the typical endless internet-debate on car seats, just a heads up, be safe & all that. I had no idea the seats weren't rated for side or rear-facing. I picked up some nice Ford Transit seats and was planning on removing the attendant seat and bolting the double seat into an L-track system on the floor of the ambo. Then I could flip it around when in "camp" mode.
We also wanted a little more room, so sold the ambo and picked up a Chinook.