I climbed around on a Congo Pro rig this past weekend, and I was very impressed with how sturdy it is. I liked a lot of things about it, strong attachments, handles, etc. It's troubling when you can find virtually nothing about it online. Next to nothing in the way of reviews, and barely any mentions on a number of forums I read. Cheap too.
I have a new Rhino Rack sitting in the garage. The internal frame, along with a Pioneer Platform. After climbing around on the Congo Pro, it's made me question going medieval on the hard top. It's really made me wonder how sturdy the RR is by comparison. I mean, I could grab hold of the Congo, foot on the tire, and hoist my 200+lbs up, and zero movement. Do I trust the Pioneer platform to be that kind of sturdy? I have no idea. I know I dread installation day for the Rhino though. I didn't realize I was going to have to pull the hard top to install it, as I don't have that kind of setup....no garage, hoist, limited help.
On the plus side, I'm sure the Rhino is a lot quieter, and probably won't affect mpg like the Congo would.