KC Flex Led light bar VS Made in China alternative

I wanted these lights to have 2 switches. 1 to control the top and 1 to control the bottom. And here is the final product. I could not find a replacement switch that would give me oem look. So, I just have to live with these 2 switches here. If I find a better solution, I will go for it. These lights are very bright.

Switch for top row on.

Switch for bottom row on.

Both switches on.
And that is all for now. My next goal is to do night shots with my drone with 1 row of light on. Top row only. Then bottom row only. Then both rows on, so I can see how bright and how far it is. Then I light all my lights and take drone pictures and maybe a video.

I will share here whenever I get to take those pictures and maybe do a video also.


New member
It would be interesting to know if the KC Bezels would fit in these lights. That would almost guarantee they are produced in the same place.
It would take special measuring equipment besides your eyes to say one is better than the other. Specs sheets and websites are just **************** marketing hype. Till you know what you are comparing, it is just a wild ass assumption. Just because one looks like another and yes parts interchange that doesn't mean they are the same. China has stolen so much intellectual property no way anyone can say they are the same or better without physically testing with measuring equipment.
It would be interesting to know if the KC Bezels would fit in these lights. That would almost guarantee they are produced in the same place.

I am very positive the KC bezels would fit in these lights. But I do not know for sure.

I live in Houston, Texas. If there is any local person with these same KC lights and want to meet up to compare them, I would be glad to meet them since it is something I would like to know also how they compare to each other.

But the amount of led I have, someone has to spend $1,300 or more to buy the KC ones for us to fairly compare output with each other. So, it may be hard to find someone who willingly spent $1,300 for just 1 light bar bar. I bought mine for 1/4 the price, which included $65 in shipping because of weight and the increase in shipping caused by the pandemic.

The way they look so similar, what do you guys think? KC copied from the chinese or they copied from KC? Or are both produced in China in the same factory?

There is a company in Australia who sells these EXACT ones I just put on my car. I will look for the link and share.
It would take special measuring equipment besides your eyes to say one is better than the other. Specs sheets and websites are just **************** marketing hype. Till you know what you are comparing, it is just a wild ass assumption. Just because one looks like another and yes parts interchange that doesn't mean they are the same. China has stolen so much intellectual property no way anyone can say they are the same or better without physically testing with measuring equipment.

I agree with you. Spec sheets and websites some times exaggerate posted numbers. The only way to know for sure the true numbers is to meet someone with the machines who can measure the numbers to tell us. I am willing to meet anybody in my area who could measure this to let me know.

I have 8.5" laser cannon leds that are extremely bright. I think it may be the brightest 8.5" round led in the market now. I am still to find a 8.5" led that beats the one on my suv. I am sure the other 8.5" brands in the market produce the same light or less. I just do not know if there is any that beats the 8.5" I have in terms of light output. I would love to find one that is brighter than what is on my suv.

As for these new leds I just got, they are truly bright also. I am very impressed by them. These are spot lights. They just replaced the spread lights I had on my suv. I kind of miss the spread lights I just replaced. The spread was very wide though the light did not go far out at all, but the spread was very good.

These new lights perform very well and the light output is truly good. And it looks very beautiful on my suv, from 2 compliments I got so far already at the stores today.

Also, you should know that I think a lot of these led companies in the US and around the world actually go to China and contract with them and ask them to build something for them. A US company will come up with its specs and ask a Chinese company to build to these specs. That happens a lot.
The new led light I just installed are all spot lights.

So, I went and flew my drone this night to take some aerial shots and a video. Here are some drone pictures of the light. The led is very bright. More light output than my headlights.

If I had mounted these leds at the same height point where my low beams are, I would get a very nice spread and more usable light than what my low beams produce now.

Pictures of the new leds only. Performance is very good. And aesthetically, it looks really good on my suv. I used to be bothered by the gold bezel, but it actually adds a good touch.





Pictures of all my lights turned on. Low beams, fog lights, 8.5" laser led light and the new leds I just installed.



I went through some back roads and turned on all these lights and I was not surprised. It does turn night into day. It is extremely bright.
My low beams only.

Low beams and fogs only. My fogs produce more light than my low beams, it just does not reach far out because of where my fog lights are.

Low beams, fogs and new led pods I just installed.

Low beams, fogs, new led pods and my 8.5" laser leds.


That's really neat. I love the drone shots, what a great practical way to show the beam reach! Well done.

One way to determine light output is with various light meters, another option is to compare power consumption against spec. I found when buying cheap chinese lights of amazon, a lot of them were grossly under specced (eg 150 watts claimed, only 50 measured). Have you had a chance to measure the power consumption?

Looking at the beam shots, these could benefit from being higher up on the vehicle. You've given me a lot to think about :)
Do you happen to have any pictures of how they are wired up? Looking at picking up some of these!

No, unfortunately not. The shop did the work and I had a hard time convincing them to let me take any pictures in their work area. I am sure it should be easy for you to wire them your own way.

autism family travels

Active member
No, unfortunately not. The shop did the work and I had a hard time convincing them to let me take any pictures in their work area. I am sure it should be easy for you to wire them your own way.

Can you take some pictures of everything from the drivers seat? I want to see how they push light out down the road. Esp. the Lazer lights. I am debating using one of my suppliers and going with the lazers instead of paying for vision X. I can also get a headlight for my JKU with low/high and a lazer module built in.
Can you take some pictures of everything from the drivers seat? I want to see how they push light out down the road. Esp. the Lazer lights. I am debating using one of my suppliers and going with the lazers instead of paying for vision X. I can also get a headlight for my JKU with low/high and a lazer module built in.

Unfortunately, I do not have such a picture. But take a look again at all the tons of pictures I have posted in this thread alongside the 2 videos I have posted here.

If you look at all those things a few times and it is not very helpful enough, then I do not know exactly how more to help.

I don't know exactly what 2 lights you are comparing with each other, but I am not a seller of led lights or in business with lights. I just did this to share with the community.

Take a look at the website of Vision X and see if they have a lot of the kind of pictures you are asking for. Then use the few I have posted to compare and I hope it helps you decide what to spend your money on.

Simply put. When it comes to 8.5 inch laser lights in the world, there is NO 8.5 laser light or led light that beats the cheapie Chinese ones that I have on my car. None. The ones I bought are not the best in the market, but there is none that is better than what I have. If anybody finds one, I would be glad to see.

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