Keeping a fridge cold


Gentleman Adventurer
I have read that keeping a frozen container of water in the fridge helps the fridge be efficient. What about using an ice pack like a Yukon ? Wouldn't the fluid in the Yukon ice pack be more efficient in absorbing the cold ?


The water has the added benefit of being useable for something else.

yes, the ice pack will perform the same function, but the fridge can't make the ice pack any colder than it can make the water. there is no magic to the blue fluid. It basically just freezes and thaws like anything else, having the mass in there is what makes the fridge "more efficient" versus just air. The fridge can only remove so many BTUs of heat no matter what is in it.

I personally keep my fridge full of a combination of small water bottles, juice boxes for my kids, sodas, and other drinks in 12 oz containers... Same function, multiple other uses.


Expedition goofball
Yes thermal mass will help keep refrigerator or freezer colder longer. I lined the bottom of my Engel with the blue things because I had 'em. I'm kinda forgetful when it comes to packing my fridge tightly.


Expedition Leader
I plug mine in the house days before I leave to get everthing frosty. When driving and it's running off the alternator I run it down to 31 degrees. Contents get icy but not frozen. At night I bump it up to about 40 and then back down to 34 in the day when the solar is on it. I don't fool with much extra mass because I keep a few caffeinated tea/ soda beverages as emergency back up energy in it that rarely get drunk or are offered to friends. Mustard or mayo do the same thing. Cleaning the solar panel helps a lot more than you would think as well.


Gentleman Adventurer
OK thanks . My ARB is an older model (18yrs) and the rheostat is always going to freezing so I think I'll use my Yukon packs. And adjust like I normally do.


OK thanks . My ARB is an older model (18yrs) and the rheostat is always going to freezing so I think I'll use my Yukon packs. And adjust like I normally do.

Slightly OT, there's a good thread on here where someone got the replacement part form ARB and was able to fix this pretty easily.


Gentleman Adventurer
The rheostat moves with the vehicle's movement . It has always bee that way. I'm going to try a piece of tape for this trip to hold the dial in place.

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