keeping yourself cool while in your van?


What about a shade awning EZ-up type thing you pull out and put over your van if there is no shade available? Shade seems to be the best thing, but often there isnt any available. Kind of a lot of work but if you are going to be out of the van for a few hours then it might be worth it if you cant bring the dogs.

I would think you'd be better off making awnings out of the shade cloth. Those EZups can do a lot of damage if they're not securely staked down. If you're going through the work of staking one of those down, may as well make a shade cloth awning for less money and less weight.

The big thing is to manage the airflow. Pull air in from the shaded side and exhaust it out the top. I like the idea of intake holes in the floor, there's always shade there. Then if you didn't have the time to setup the awnings, you could leave the windows closed and pull air from underneath the van and exhaust it out a roof fan. Remember that the asphalt is hot, and the underside of the van will be hot from engine and exhaust for awhile though. I'm wondering if I'd be better off with a fantastic fan on the big square upper section of my rear door, or on the roof? Any thoughts?




Power converter, house battery system, and an everyday house hold box fan. If I don't need that much follow, I also have a smaller desk fan that has a large clip on it that clips to one of the small side windows on my conversion van, also A/C powered.


What about a "pusher" fan in the door and a "puller" fan on the roof?

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That would probably be too close together. I'd want to have lower intakes and a high exhaust. My floor has holes leftover from seat mounts already, but I could cut new ones that would be one way. Drain holes are always good though.


What about a "pusher" fan in the door and a "puller" fan on the roof?

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That would probably be too close together. I'd want to have lower intakes and a high exhaust. My floor has holes leftover from seat mounts already, but I could cut new ones that would be one way. Drain holes are always good though.

I think there's a big pusher fan under the dash...:coffee: I seriously doubt it's super efficient though. I had thought about the side stepwell inside the barn doors as a decent spot to pull air from until I realized that's about where my muffler is.


Expedition goofball
a few months back I put a fantastic fan on the roof of my EB towards the very rear and it's been a blessing since. just keeping the roof open and the front windows cracked reduces interior temperatures at least 15 degrees on a hot sunny day. keeping the fan on low with the front windows partially open creates an awesome breeze and keeps me very comfortable even on a 90 degree day.

Link to pic:


My van has a through the rear door a/c. Works great if I can plug in (which I never can) or take my Honda 2000 genset (which I never do). I pop the top and use the Endless Breeze fan from Fantastic Fan. But nothing will make a van tolerable if it's really warm out there unless you can park in the shade and find a good breeze.

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