Kel tecs?


Expedition Leader
Anyone have or know anything about the reliabilty/quality of the Kel Tec pf9/11's? I'm thinking about picking one up for CC.
Ive had many pf 9 and p11. Both are GREAT pistols. Dont expect a custom single action triger or the smoothness of a Sig double. Do expect, life saving dependability, decent control, good capacity and concealability with the p11, decent capacity and amazing concealability with the pf9. You can go to or .net. It is a keltec users group, great place for info. The only thing I have ever needed to do is pollish the feed ramps on one pf9 and one p11. About 10 minutes of work with a dremel and pollishing wheel. I carry a pf9 almost daily. Great pistols and a great company.

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
I like the p3at for easy conceal, but it doesn't fit my hand well:Wow1:

Only a .380, but I liked the way it shot, and loved the 'pocket clip' on it.

Only shot that particular one, but it ran fine throughout our entire class, with 50-60 rounds through it.


I have a handful of KT's; a P32, 2 P3ATs, a P11, a PF9, a SUB2000, and a SU-16...

All have proven very reliable, after broken in. I carry the PF9, and sometimes the .380's. For what it is, it's a great little gun. Polishing the feed ramps really helps, as it would for any gun.


+1 for the P3AT.

When you do buy one go to and do the 'fluff and buff'. That'll work out most of the kinks out of the gun.

Chazz Layne

I've had a few. The PF9 is my current around town "not expecting trouble" carry piece. I say that because it is only 7 rounds of 9mm, mine has been flawless in function.

The above comments are spot-on: think of it as a 99% pistol kit. Do the "fluff-and-buff" and you won't have any troubles. Beyond that, they are stupid-simple and easy to maintain. Some folks hate the long, heavy trigger, but I find it just right considering how small the gun is and the lack of any sort of safety. A little practice and it won't bother you.

I'll also add that if you do have problems the folks at Kel-Tec are fine people, and their customer service is top notch.


The PF9 will need some trigger time, its rather long and takes some practice to get good with, but Guns and Ammo said it was the most accurate in the pocket pistol class. It was hard for me to believe that when I first got it, because I would pull the little pistol one way or another with its long trigger pull, 60% of shots to the right of the bulls eye, and 40% to the left. I eventually mitigated that with practice with the trigger, to include dry fire drills with no ammunition present. A Taurus slim is about the same size as the PF9, has an external safety, and much shorter trigger pull, but I still carry the PF9 :costumed-smiley-007


Expedition Leader
+1 for the P3AT.

When you do buy one go to and do the 'fluff and buff'. That'll work out most of the kinks out of the gun.

Or just buy the Ruger LCP and enjoy it. :sombrero: Better fit and finish, better trigger pull and much better reliability according to everything I've ever read and everyone I've ever talked to. Mine has been dead nuts reliable for about 400 rounds now.

Kel-Tec has very good customer service and they are innovative. I had one of the Millineum 9mms for a while and it was good shooting gun, I just wanted something different.
Or just buy the Ruger LCP and enjoy it. :sombrero: Better fit and finish, better trigger pull and much better reliability according to everything I've ever read and everyone I've ever talked to. Mine has been dead nuts reliable for about 400 rounds now.

Kel-Tec has very good customer service and they are innovative. I had one of the Millineum 9mms for a while and it was good shooting gun, I just wanted something different.

Both my brother and I have a LCP. They are good guns, both needed the exact same things to make them reliable for us though, buffing the feed ramp. The LCP is actually in reviews do to some pattent infringment. A little too close to Keltec's pistols. The trigger feels exactly the same as the PF9 which is a lot better than the p11. The price diff for a lcp is what will keep me from recomending them over or along side a pf9. But if it fits you better, by all means, they are a good gun too.


I have a Pf-9 and a Cobra P11 clone. Most of the above is spot on. I will reiterate that the trigger on the PF-9 is much better than the P11. Also, don't be fooled with the "it is almost the same size" argument. I have used and carried a lot of guns that were almost the same size and those fractions of an inch can make a huge difference in comfort and concealability.

The PF-9 does like to jump around while you are shooting it but the finger extension for the mags helps some.

Other things to check out if you have the money are the walther PPS and the Kahr PM9.




Expedition Leader
Both my brother and I have a LCP. They are good guns, both needed the exact same things to make them reliable for us though, buffing the feed ramp. The LCP is actually in reviews do to some pattent infringment. A little too close to Keltec's pistols. The trigger feels exactly the same as the PF9 which is a lot better than the p11. The price diff for a lcp is what will keep me from recomending them over or along side a pf9. But if it fits you better, by all means, they are a good gun too.

Interesting, my brother has an early LCP and I've got a second gen and we've got a few friends with them and they've all run well. A couple of them needed some rounds through them, but that's most guns I've found. I had heard that Ruger had some sort of agreement with KelTec but I guess that wasn't true.

The mouse guns fill a limited roll, but the KelTec and the Ruger fill it well. As long as it's reliable I'd be happy.


Expedition Leader
thanks for the comments guys......the other gun I'm considering is a .357 mag like a ruger sp101. Any opinions on those or similar .357's?

Chazz Layne

A friend of mine just sent in his .357 LCR in for MPI testing after about 1200 rounds, no sign of fatigue. It is the nicest shooting snubby I have ever had the pleasure of firing.

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