Expedition Leader
Anyone have or know anything about the reliabilty/quality of the Kel Tec pf9/11's? I'm thinking about picking one up for CC.
+1 for the P3AT.
When you do buy one go to KTOG.org and do the 'fluff and buff'. That'll work out most of the kinks out of the gun.
Or just buy the Ruger LCP and enjoy it. :sombrero: Better fit and finish, better trigger pull and much better reliability according to everything I've ever read and everyone I've ever talked to. Mine has been dead nuts reliable for about 400 rounds now.
Kel-Tec has very good customer service and they are innovative. I had one of the Millineum 9mms for a while and it was good shooting gun, I just wanted something different.
Both my brother and I have a LCP. They are good guns, both needed the exact same things to make them reliable for us though, buffing the feed ramp. The LCP is actually in reviews do to some pattent infringment. A little too close to Keltec's pistols. The trigger feels exactly the same as the PF9 which is a lot better than the p11. The price diff for a lcp is what will keep me from recomending them over or along side a pf9. But if it fits you better, by all means, they are a good gun too.