Kel tecs?


thanks for the comments guys......the other gun I'm considering is a .357 mag like a ruger sp101. Any opinions on those or similar .357's?

I had a ruger speed6 (precursor to the sp101). Great gun. I'm not big on revolvers though. I never could get used to the trigger.
.357 is a good round. Second only to .45acp IMO.
I hope this isn't going to be your concealed carry piece though... its not what you would call light or flat...
If you're looking for a full sized gun to concealed carry, take a look at the browning high power or maybe an XD.


I have had p32, p3AT, and do have a couple PF-9s, PF-11, and SUB-2000 that uses the SW59 mag that the PF-11 uses, so that makes a nice pairing that can share mags. I have added a little padding to the PF-9's and PF-11 and unless that causes you some issues in your concealing method, that makes it more fun to shoot. I also use a weightlifting glove on my shooting hand when I shoot it for a long period at the range. (Padded palm and open fingers.) I will agree the trigger on the PF-9 is much better than the PF-11. That PF-11 can really pinch you if you are not careful, and I have sanded on mine and added and lost the trigger shoe KT sells the first time I took it to the range. UGH!

Polish the feed ramps on all your kel-tecs, plenty of notes on the ktog forum on this, and get 300-400 round through them to get them broke in before you bet your life on them. Also, mine do not like aluminum cased cartridges, stick with basic name brand brass ammo for practice and I use a couple different types of self defense ammo that work well in short barreled pistols and give you the expansion you need coming from the short barrel that some self defense rounds will not. Also, some of the hollow point rounds are shorter than others(Corban), and they do not feed as well in some KTs as other hollow points that are a little longer in overall length.

Here are my two PF-9s with a little padding, and some hogue grips and lasers added. I still need to buff up the bottom edges of the grips where I trimmed them off.


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