I've just started paying attention to convertible touchscreen laptops and have what is probably a pretty basic question. When you flip the keyboard back to use it as a touchscreen tablet/laptop, is there something in the circuitry that disables the keyboard to prevent errant key presses (ENTER, DELETE, etc.) If not, what prevents this from being an issue when its on your lap or a chair arm?
The one I was actually looking at that brought the question up is this Dell Inspiron https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FWHDXJ...UTF8&colid=VKK2NUYQI4H5&coliid=IP53WROV06KFB?
The one I was actually looking at that brought the question up is this Dell Inspiron https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FWHDXJ...UTF8&colid=VKK2NUYQI4H5&coliid=IP53WROV06KFB?