I have a whole list, accumulated over a long period of time! And most of the activities/games mentioned below are tried and tested (speaking from personal experience).
Here goes:
Scavenger Hunt: This is one game which practically
never fails. A few ideas to make the game more exciting - feathers, different colored leaves (such as red, green, yellow), a snail, different types of insects (flying/crawling etc), manure, mushroom.
Campfire Story Contest: This one is all about being creative and making up tales. In case you feel you have run out of ideas, there will always be some family folklore or anecdotes about your kids which can act as excellent story openers. Let one person say a sentence and the next person continue it.
Cloud Watching/Floating Clouds: Best time for this one - a relatively sunny midday. Spread out a blanket in a shady spot and stare up at the sky. Using the alphabet, try to find objects like an apple, bear, cat and so on. Here are some more such interesting
activities for kids, which can be good ideas for camping games as well.
Arrange impromptu competitions: Such as who can collect the most kindling for the fire, or who can drag in the longest/shortest stick. Or else, even something simple like which kid can get hold of the biggest rock can keep them occupied for hours at a time.
Hide and Seek: Though this one needs no introduction, here is a gist of it. The person who is 'It' covers his/her eyes and counts to 10. After he is finished counting, he yells, "Ready or not, here I come!" and runs around and finds everybody in their hiding places. The last one to be found is 'It' the next time.