@ITTOG OK, but I've always avoided buying gas in OK because it's usually higher than MO. I can gas up in Joplin and make it to Dallas. Reg. is $4.35 today here.
Reg. varied from last year around $2.69 to 2.90, we didn't bust $3.00 until after Feb 28th thanks to Russia.
Which takes be to the alternative EV. I've not researched the EV situation, except on a few vehicle prices, but a kit for existing vehicles would probably sell.
About 10 years ago a guy who owned a shop here converted a VW Square Back to electric. Wasn't really practical, I think the range, depending on terrain and how it was driven was about 50 miles and took have a day to charge gel batteries. As I recall, he used a motor from a forklift.
Speaking of motors, I have a 1 1/5 hp for a grinder, that motor was made in the mid 1950's! While it hasn't been used everyday, electric motors are probably the longest lasting sources for rotating power, not sure, a ram jet may have fewer moving parts.
I did hear about the idea of having replaceable battery packs, just pull into a station, switch batteries and drive off. I can see where having a battery station would be more profitable than having a gas station. A battery operator would get to the politicians and pass legislation requiring licensed technicians to replace a battery pack. All an owner might do is recharge an existing pack with some limitations. Who knows, in 50 years you may not even be driving your own vehicle.