Those look great; how do they measure out? True 33?
I will have to check. If I remember correctly I saw someone say that they were 32.8".
Those look great; how do they measure out? True 33?
RememberTheFallen, I can't help but say that I LOVE your truck!! I've long been a fan of that generation crew cab Tacoma. Looks like you have it outfitted well too. And I do like the color.
I'm currently building a Jeep Comanche, but if it goes away, the wife is getting a Tacoma exactly like yours!!
Old thread I know, but aren't the ST Maxx's available in load range C now?
Per tread depot they are 51 lbs for the 255 85 16 load e
I have had st maxx on my rig and now have bfg both at E load and both same size, the BFG feel lighter that's for sure.