

Please add location and price....

"Here are the rules for posting something for sale on Expedition Portal

This section is for forum members to sell individual items that they already own.

If you are a company wanting to sell items as part of your revenue generating business, if you are an individual selling a large number of the same items or repeatedly selling the same type of items or if you are a non-profit pursuing donations you will need to first contact the site administration to become a contributing sponsor of Expedition Portal.
For details and contact information please visit

If there is any question regarding the validity of your sale or your status as a non-contributing business your thread will be locked and you will be contacted for further clarification.

You are considered to be a business if you:
1. Are trying to sell any products not in your immediate possession.
2. Are trying to sell a single product which is NEW and in a quantity greater than 5 units.
3. Are trying to sell a single product which is USED in a quantity greater than 10 units.
4. Repeatedly sell similar items on a regular basis.
5. Reference your own website external to your post for more information, products or services.
6. Have a post count less than 50.

Valid for sale posts by forum members:
1. Must be expedition related, or equipment used in support of an expedition or adventure. For example, the advertising on land for sale would not be appropriate, but a kayak would be. Firearms, ammunition or weapons are not permitted.
2. Must include the physical location of the item, i.e- Prescott, Arizona, USA
3. Must include a complete description of the item, including the asking price
4. Must include any known defects or concerns on the items (this is a critical point, as you are selling an item to someone who will likely use it in a remote location, and their safety may depend on it)
5. Negotiations and personal information should be exchanged via email or PM, not in the thread.
6. Please remove the update the thread after it has sold so the moderator can remove it.


New member
Not for profit. The price I quoted is WAYYYY too low to profit.

One time deal. We don't sell tires in our store.

Posting here because I'd rather give the deal to forum members than some reseller on Craigslist.

It's a tragedy that my post count is below 50.

I would be more than happy to give detailed specifics to an admin if they want more clarification.

Todd Pope


Expedition Leader
Please add location and price....

IZZYDUSIT I am a big fan of having organizational rules such as the one's you quoted, but I think there is always a need for exceptions, and this is a pretty good example of one. It's a one time deal through a well connected organization is that basically performing a public service announcment to a limited audience, which fortunately, is us!


New member
IZZYDUSIT I am a big fan of having organizational rules such as the one's you quoted, but I think there is always a need for exceptions, and this is a pretty good example of one. It's a one time deal through a well connected organization is that basically performing a public service announcment to a limited audience, which fortunately, is us!

Thanks nwoods but not quite:) Don't want to make a liar out of you.

I posted on two other forums to get rid of them quickly. You guys just happen to be a favorite people of mine. I'd be on here more often, but I keep running into you all at trail runs and events anyway!


Not being a forum policemen ...just wanted to know "where and how much"..I had some experience with items advertised (not here) and then came the bait and switch..I'm also not implying by any means that that was the case in TODDUNDERSCORE posting, however, if we all abide by the same rules, we can minimize any sad stories later down the road..
I hope my point is well taken.


New member
Not being a forum policemen ...just wanted to know "where and how much"..I had some experience with items advertised (not here) and then came the bait and switch..I'm also not implying by any means that that was the case in TODDUNDERSCORE posting, however, if we all abide by the same rules, we can minimize any sad stories later down the road..
I hope my point is well taken.

Point well taken IZZY. I should have read the rules a bit closer and cleared it with an admin before making my post.

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