Pretty big day in the office today...
I had the day of work so decided that I would change my diff housing as its bent using the one from the white 1.7. This was more and stuffing around than I would have liked given that I needed to use the actual diff from my car and transfer it into the new housing to keep my 4.1 diff ratios. Getting the housing of the white car was a bit of a pain, with the usual rusty bolts dirt and spiders, but things got even more tricky when I went to do the swap.
My plan was to pull the axles and free the 4.1 diff on the car, and then transfer the complete 1.7 assembly over. Once on the car, I would pull the axles and remove the diff before hooking the 4.1 diff up. I would then have a good diff housing, my 4.1 diffs and self adjusting brakes. Easy hey...
Anyway, after releasing one axle on my car, it would not budge. Using a wheel as a slid hammer against loose studs, did nothing, even in tandem with an assistant trying to give it a whack from behind. I conceeded defeat and just removed the whole assembly. The extent of my "bend" became apparant then. The housing is bent up and back. Looks like someone may have tried to recover it by trying a chain or the like to the diff housing - cheers for that mate.
The funny thing is that it was actually driving OK save for so big vibes one you got up to speed. It was turning in pretty quick on corners. Guess thats what a bit of -ve camber and toe in will do for you!! I have a feeling that the axel itself is not bent as such but is acting as a spring. The wheel bearing feel OK and there was no metal in the oil. Thats pretty good going cause I reckon that she is at least an inch and a half out of whack. Couple of pictures. First shows how much negative camber, second shows the bent housing.
I now have the new diff fitted with its 3.9 ratio. I think I am going to have to just angle grind through the housing to get that axle out. The other should remove OK and then I will swap the diffs. Oh yeah - need a couple of brake pipes and a new handbrake cable.
I changed the exhause while I had the rear end out and a few other jobs, but all up 9 hours straight and I am still on the go.
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