Ladder-Rack for Pick up


New member
Hi Folks

Ladder Racks noob.

Alum or Steel?

Has anyone made an enclosure out of a Ladder Rack using fabric or panels?


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New member
Hmmm, I would go with steel as there isn't a lot of material in a ladder rack so the weight saving would be fairly negligible and probably not worth the extra trouble.

As for siding it in.... never tried it and don't know anyone who has but I see no reason why it couldn't be done. If I were to do it I would go with a fabric back that would look very similar to the canvas rear on older Land Rovers. May need more support in the middle to prevent sagging though.
Cladding it in sheet wouldn't be impossible but you might as well get a hard top in this instance.

However, I would probably set out to box in the back and then figure out how to carry my ladder.
On that note I did spend a little time planning previously and decided I would start off with a roll cage frame (which would also provide a nice strong hardpoint for a roofrack) then clad in aluminium and insulation, panel her out and move in! Though this was due to the vehicle being non stock dimensions. For stock I would have got a Leer topper and a roof rack. Not quite as strong but a damn sight cheaper :elkgrin:


New member
Thanks Siliconwombat

With all of the "shelter" concepts explored on this board, I would have figured someone

to have done this, considering the simplicity. Perhaps I will give it a shot.



I posted a few threads down about building a rack and was headed in the same direction. I wasnt planning on making a canvas cover that would stay on while driving, just when stopped. I was just thinking of getting a big canvas tarp to throw over the thing and run some bungees to the sliders and rear bumper. Id love to hear some ideas on how to make a permenant cover though, my stumbling block was how to allow the bars for the cabover part to go through the cover, if that made any sense.


i built a rack for my '80 toyota truck, 2"x3" steel for the main hoop right behind the cab and a mix of 1 1/2" square and angle for the rest. i bought the "sunbrella" canvas material to make a top for it but stalled out on the project. i had all kinds of grand plans for it, hard sides and top, maybe a pop-top of some type. i did make sides out of some angle that connect together to make a ramp for my snowmobile this winter (the rear crossbar of the rack is removable for sled/tall items). i'll try to find some pics of it and post.
i'd say build your own. all in, MIG welder and steel was still cheaper than a new fiberglass topper and you get to add all your own details.


I've kicked around the same idea, my thought was to have the cover on the inside of the structure, suspended by straps. That way you don't have to deal with the problem of sealing areas where the bars pass through the shell.

I still think it would make a neat truck-tent that's easily removable.

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