Ladies: Bathroom breaks on the trail - Please help with ideas and products!


Founder of D.E.R.P.
I use the items below - depending on the situation:
the Travel John (as recommended by seanz0rz)
Go -Girl (recommended by 98roamer)
and have a Pett for in camp with a enclosure for campgrounds that do not have bathrooms (recommend by others).

Exactly our set up. Between all three my lady is set. We also have an E-Tool (military shovel) and they work wonders if you know how to use them. Thank you USMC for the outdoor crapper training. When I showed my GF how to use the E-Tool she was so happy and amazed. Need privacy take it off the trail and out of sight. Carry on.


I posted a similar question on Big Bend Chat several months ago. Responses were very similar with what you have here:

My ladies did not go for the Go Girl. Too weird for them. Now it has become a big joke--"You go girl!" Our first trip we carried the porta pottie in the truck. In practice that was too much effort for them and just called even more attention to the event.

I think that a trip with other ladies will take some of the weird away if you can make that happen. Otherwise, just be sensitive, don't push and after a stop or two, things will probably come out fine. :sombrero: Above all, try to keep a sense of humor.


Since most people seem to need to use the restroom from time to time, it is NEVER a big deal out on the trail. In mean, what, some is going to say, "Egads dear lady, I can't believe you tinkled way out here in the middle of nowhere hours from the nearest proper toilet!"

I think the whole rigamarole of setting up a pottie shelter is way less discrete than dropping out of site for a moment or two. When I lead groups, I establish a port and starboard rule. One side of the line up for men, and the opposite side for the ladies. I have taken literally hundreds of people out into remote areas ( a dozen or so at a time), and have NEVER had an issue or compliant with this policy. It's really not a big deal with the type of people you find willing to go outdoors, pun intended. Nothing could be more natural, and isn't that the point of being out there, experiencing Nature?

And anything else is just foolish. No-one complains along the river, either: skits up, pants down. You're overthinking the whole thing. For #2, I like the bumper dumper.
I now have three girls to deal with...

My wife, as has been repeated many times above, prefers the privacy of the outhouse at camp coupled with a folding toilet. On the trail she'll find a hidden area and bring the folding toilet, always at the back of the vehicle and ready to be deployed at a moments notice.

My oldest daughter (now 6) has been pottying on the trail side for 4 years now... start em early.

My newest daughter (will be 2 months next week) will obviously be in diapers for a while... but we bring a waterproof pad and set her up in a soft spot and change the diaper (did this with oldest too).

Me--- I can't stand any form of public bathroom... I'd rather go in the woods... and I hate squatting when the need arises, so I enjoy the use of the folding toilet also

We use the bags and pack all the solid waste out.


Expedition Leader
Here's an item that may help with clean-up after the "event:" a portable bidet nozzle that fits on a typical disposable water or soda bottle. It would also make a decent quick shower for a sponge bath, which we all could use.

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