Lake Powell -Antelope Canyon - Horseshoe Bend March 2010


Excellent Pictures. My Uncle lives up there (Page) and the pictures are amazing. He knows all those areas, I guess it may be time for a boys trip with my sons. Bookmarked for future planning.


I finally got to a place with a high-speed connection to check out all the pics.

Beautiful photos! Great write-up and thanks for sharing. I love the sunset in camp shot...and Horseshoe. Fantastic.

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Thanks for all the great responses to this trip report. I usually only go on average local camping trips so I don't typically post trip reports.

This trip with the photography opportunities and weather abuse was a step above my normal experience. I'm glad everyone enjoyed sharing my trip.

And for Tony....I went with Canon over Nikon so I could capture some real photography and not just Nikon snapshots. :elkgrin:

just eric

Buckskin gulch is an awesome hike but your boys did make the right decision. Sveral years back a friend and I decided to push through the gulch after being warned of the water and mud. What was initially felt to be a sense of adventure quickly turned to misery and digust. The pools of brackish water were many as were the carcasses of animals we waded past, and the mud was never ending. That experience actually took away from the overall experience and lead to us pushing on for over 20 miles on day three just to get out of there. I'll deffinitely take more time if I ever make it back there.


ExPo Original
Rad, Brad. :bowdown:

Amazing work with that Canon. I don't get/like HDR stuff, but I must admit yours really works. Sorry the wind was so intense, but the payoff looks worth it to me.


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