Lake Roosevelt trip.


New member
I hope this is an appropriate place to post. I Know this is hardly roughing it but it's fun to get out there. I didn't see a more appropriate sub forum and I hope this isn't completely prohibited type of "adventure". If so I apologize.

I also apologize in advance for all of the dog pics. I can't help myself.

I tent camp a lot and have been kicking around the idea of how to best upgrade my setup.

I originally thought roof top tent but that doesn't really do some of the things I was looking for. One being climate control during the colder months where it's still beautiful during the day, but too cold for me once away from the campfire. Another being stuck wherever I set up camp. Sure it wouldn't be that hard to fold back up, but once I set up camp I usually unload a lot of my stuff into the tent. Another problem was I always have my dog with me and I don't think he'd be too fond of the stairs. No offense to those that have them and love them, it just seemed too similar to the camping I was already doing for the cost.

So next I set my sights on a nice pop up cabover camper. I quickly found the Four Wheel Campers (FWC) and those are slick but out of my price range, for now. The other down side is my truck won't fit in my garage with one installed. So it would have to be taken off somehow and stored in my garage in between every trip. Lastly, there just aren't many available in my area. Those that are seem to be well used and pretty heavy. Those are all problems which I could no doubt find a solution for. But in the meantime, while I save and figure out what it is exactly I want and need in a camping system I am going to hold off.

That put me on the search for a tow behind pop-up camper. It can be climate controlled, easily towed, popular with a large market, a way to escape the unpredictable monsoon storms that can pop up on a day with supposedly 0% change of rain, and it fits in my garage. It's a true "hook up and take off" system.

After watching Craigslist for a few weeks I made an offer on a camper I had my eye on. I knew the seller wanted it gone and I feel I got a deal.

2004 Fleetwood Yuma. I opted to go with one without AC (I don't want to run a generator, and most of my camping is done in the pines and higher elevation.) This does have a 3 way refrigerator and furnace.







Here it is tucked away in the garage.



I picked it up Tuesday night with plans of heading to Roosevelt Lake early Thursday morning. Well I couldn't wait so the pup and I hit the road at about 10:30PM Wednesday night.


Arrived at my destination about 3 hours later. Which meant setting up the camper for the first time in the dark. It went surprisingly smooth. The jacks are a bit of a pain but I also was not on level ground. May look into a better system later on. Here we are all ready for our first night.


Fell asleep to a nice cool breeze and the sound of the waves on the lake just a few feet away. I was very comfortable.

Sun coming up and look who decided to come snuggle lol



It stayed cooler longer than I expected so I slept a few more hours





New member
After a quick breakfast it's time to pick up the jet skis and get into the water



Marco spends most of his time napping under my friends' RV


Looking out from the awning in front of the rv you can see m set up. As well as our kitchen/cooler/beer area.


Glad I went up early. There were 4 jet skis and a pontoon boat between the 3 of us.


Loved the overcast. Here you can see the group set up.


Heading out for a cruise on the pontoon.




We all retired pretty early. Being on the water and drinking made for a full day. Some seemed a little more tired however.


Started off the next day right. These things are growing on me.


By this time a few others had joined out group so we headed out to a cove, dropped anchor and swam/jet skid.



This thing is a beast. 255hp supercharged.


I had the most fun on the Sparks. Doing figure 8's and fast turns


Staying cool



Someone sprayed is with the jet ski lol


Back for dinner


I should really teach him not to beg.


Finished the night with a boat ride to the marina bar and a midnight swim.
Marco was exhausted again and just slept the whole time. Too much excitement for one day


Woke up to another beautiful day on the lake.


It got overcast and choppy again but the clouds eventually burned off and we went out on the boats again. This time I was in more of a sport boat on the way out. Make sure to make it back to the pontoon for Marcos sake lol.


That marked the end of my trip. Had to get back on the road. Got into Globe Az as the sun was setting. Had to get back to work early Sunday morning.


Overall I am extremely happen with my purchase and decision. I think I will enjoy it for many trips to come. I plan to pick up some leveling blocks, a solar panel and charging system, maybe an awning and a nice outdoor shower. So any advice on those will be greatly appreciated. I was also pleased to see that I averaged 15.5 mpg towing. That was better than I had hoped for. I hardly knew it was there. Also my dad is an avid camper/backpacker. He is trying to get my mom to camp with him since he just retired. We are (or were) firefighters on the same schedule so I was his camping buddy. This is something he can take out in his FJ and see if it's something they like. So that was another added bonus. Long term I still have my sights on a modest EMU lift and a nice FWC. I think that would suit me just fine.

Thanks for clicking! Cant wait to hit the pines next week!

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