Land Ops, which many of you have seen our videos over the years, was recently featured in QST Magazine.
Link to QST Land Ops Article
Link to QST Land Ops Article
Club site is at http://landops.wildapricot.org/You need a link to your site here. This is a fascinating idea! I just glanced at it in my QST but will give it a full read in the near future.
Dale WU7X
Hey N4NIA, is that a Fleetwood Cobalt I see on your website?Looks like an interesting concept to build a radio club around. I'll have to spend a bit of time on the website.
Hey N4NIA, is that a Fleetwood Cobalt I see on your website?
"Instead of the 400th version of a dipole, maybe a column about ham radio outdoors (other than just Field Day.)