Land Rover Discovery XD - 20th Anniversary



I'm feeling inspired tonight, so I want to get this out there.

Next year is the 20th anniversary of the Land Rover Discovery XD. While this may not be a big deal to most of you (yes, I know it's just an SD with Yellow paint), but to me as an owner of one, I'm really excited about the possibilities. I thought it would be great to try and put together as much information as possible in one place about the XD, including the 1996 TReK trucks. I'm not sure what form it will take, maybe a website, a brochure, a pdf, I don't know, but I do know that it will be fun to gather all the information available, as well as known trucks and the owners (if they are willing) to share their stories and where the rigs are and how many are left.

If you are the owner of an XD, have ever owned one in the past, or just know a thing or two about the trucks that would be of interested to the Land Rover community, please send me a note and I'll gather it up as I go. You can reply to this thread, PM me, or send an email to the address below. My hope is to have something completed early next year to properly celebrate the 20th anniversary, maybe even culminating in a meet-up somewhere!

I hope the results are a fun bit of history, and I look forward to hearing about the XD in more detail!

1997LRdiscoXD (at) gmail(dot)com



New member
1996 Land Rover Discovery XD Eco-Challenge

Hi, I'm selling the Eco. The rust is really not that bad; I'm overly transparent, almost to a fault. Compared to other places a Disco of this era can, and will, rust (i.e. rear wheel wells, floor, frame, bulkhead), this example has the one Right A-pillar (Left A-pillar is fine) rust hole. Something must have gotten clogged a decade or so ago causing this somewhat unusual (location) <1 cm rust hole. A proper fix would involve removing the windscreen and welding in a patch panel. This really is the lesser of many, many rust evils that an XD can have, and we're talking about a 1 of 28 example, so&#8230;

There are more pictures on my DefenderSource ad (only 10 pictures allowed here on my ExPo classified ad), and I can personally send more pictures, ones I've already taken, or specially-requested views.

We very much loved our 1997 XD that we bought in ~2000 at about 14K miles from a (maybe separated or divorced lady) seller in Las Vegas (vehicle had an "Armadillo Willie" personalized license plate surround). We sold it in ~2005 at about 70K miles to a (SW) Canadian that flew into Colorado Springs and drove it home without incident after a rocky start (KN filter recharge didn't agree with the MAF [thanks Joe Torres of Pikes Peak Land Rovers]; I haven't run a KN filter since).

We sold the XD to finance the '03 TReK, bought 'new' from LR Las Vegas. The TReK was another story, leading to 3 years of back-and-forth, 1 hr. each way, between Ft. Campbell, KY and LR Nashville for any number of issues (the first being that somehow meaty BFG mud terrains were fitted to this '03 TReK without being balanced! Leading to about a year of misdiagnosed front shimmy at speed, then after I noticed the absence of any wheel weights [again, after a full year of multiple trips to LR Nashville with no solutions by the experts] was told the 1000 mile inspection period had ended and I was on the hook for the now-cupped tires. I worked through LRNA to get the replacement tires paid for). We sold the TReK at the end of the 3 yr. warranty and bought the wonderful '93 RR LWB we still own today.



I think it's a great looking example of the Eco trucks, and you're probably right about the rust, nothing a good restore can fix. Just takes someone who cares... I hope it goes to a good home.

That's cool that you were an XD owner at one time, and I appreciate you sharing the info. Would love to see pics if you have any from that era!


New member
I'll dig for pics. At that point in our lives we had the '97 XD, overlapped with its replacement, a '03 TReK, also a '91 RR GDE, and a '61 Ser II SWB Coiler V8 I was building. Crazy times.



I think it's a great looking example of the Eco trucks, and you're probably right about the rust, nothing a good restore can fix. Just takes someone who cares... I hope it goes to a good home.

That's cool that you were an XD owner at one time, and I appreciate you sharing the info. Would love to see pics if you have any from that era!

I purchased the XD in question and it's actually very little rust for a 20 year old 4x4. I've been working on it for the last few months and it's turning out to be quite a cool truck. I have been meaning to start a build thread but have not made the time. I will try and post more up about it soon but I can say with all the work and new parts I have put into it, it's turning into a good example of a low mileage XD.

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