landing strip


I wish I had one, you might be able to squeeze one out of Wil or maybe flyndrive from his trip to OZ. There is also utube videos on sierra's site. And that price is per

so if you dont have one how can you know you like it as you stated?

were you just saying you think it would look cool strapped on top of your truck?

these threads become worthless when people make statements that are not based in experience.


Actually I've seen them demonstrated before in person. Not all of us can afford to buy all the recovery gear we want at one time, I have to save. Furthermore, you don't know about me or my experiences so just keep your smart *** comments to yourself. I guess its easy to talk ******* when your in front of a computer huh? If you want to discuss this further pm me and I'll give you my address so we do it face to face. In the future try not to clutter threads with what you think you know.


Expedition Leader
:sombrero:I can see the need for portable "bridges" in extreme rut areas, however

I've used the ARB (Bushranger) "sandTracks", in the NV Pyramid Lake Sand (teflon coated ball bearings) and they are more than adequet, if using 4lo and NO TIRE SPIN !!

They're 5' by 1' and rollup for easy storage

I got mine fro Sierra Expeditions



I have actually used MAXTRAX as a bridging ladder and they worked. They are not labeled for that use, but after meeting Brad McCarthy from Dirty Weekends (inventor of MAXTRAX) he told me that they worked well for that usage. I have to admit I did it in a controled situation and not on the trail, but it worked and held my 5,500 lb FJ.

Ryguy has been with me while using MAXTRAX. I like the product so much I turned Wil & Garrison onto them and consider them the best thing I brought back from Australia.

They are now available at Sierra Expeditions.


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