Laptop Based GPS Software options?


If you are going to use a Garmin USB receiver then you'll need a translator if you are also using NG TOPO! State; I use GpsGate and it not only works great, it is very easy to setup and get going.

Here's a link to my system.


Expedition Trophy Winner
I've been using carPCs since about 2001 when I bought my first laptop and immediately started buying NatGeo TOPO states. I'm gonna be getting a copy of the OJ article to see what it says, but here's my take:

On my touchscreen netbook (lenovo S10-3t) I use the following software. Sometimes all at once, sometimes not (I've had no problem running 2-3 mapping programs at once on my netbook, they aren't very resource-intensive)...

Bluetooth GPS BU-359
XPort GPS software, it makes the GPS signals available to more than one program at a time.

Microsoft Streets and Trips...I love this for basic routing, and tinkering. Probably because I have every year of it for the past 7 years :) Plus, I have loaded in every campground and brewpub in Washington & Oregon, so it's easy to find the nearest place to get beer for my camping trips :)
Delorme Street Atlas 2009 - ok software, it has the phonebook which is mostly up-to-date. Works ok for tracking while you are driving.
Garmin Mobile PC - Just started in on this. I think this works well for the navigationally-challenged, but I find this (and most other GPS units) annoying. I'm a 'look at a map' type, so your mileage may vary. I do love the gas prices feature if you are networked.


NatGeo TOPO - Best if you are old-school topo-map type of guy. Lots of detail. Real-time tracking works ok. I use this most because i can load maps into my Windows Mobile phone and use them real-time outside the car. Overall the best bet if you can handle the cost (get backroads explorer and you get 100k maps for the whole US). Easy to d/l waypoints to a GPS if I want to use that (mostly I use my winmo phone unless I need sirfIII).
Delorme TOPO - Close 2nd. I run both at the same time. I like the delorme better for just driving around off-road, and it is definitely more up-to-date.

If I had only $100 to spend, I'd get GPS+Delorme TOPO. It has up-to-date maps, decent topo features, and is a good overall value for your money.

If you have the money, get them all - they have their strengths/weaknesses and i find myself using different software for all the different things I do.

As a note: There is OziExplorer and Overland Navigator...I haven't had a chance to mess with them, but I hear they are great software packages...

Ideally, I'd have them all available, and run


Expedition Leader
Subscribed to thread, exactly what I am looking for. Cant wait for the new edition of OJ.

Deciding between this or a 2m Ham as the next mod...



I guess another Raster/Vector issue...

Are Delormes maps "smart" as Chris mentioned or are they just data being rendered?

Keep in mind, the data has varying levels of accuracy. The USGS maps were made from surveys (people on the ground), and the other data made via more modern techniques (elevation models, imagery, etc) available since the USGS started 125 years ago...

I agree, it's best to have a combination - I like the way the Nat Geo Topo had the USGS maps with roads on top - it's a good start. Some have issues with Nat Geo, but the state series and backroads seems to work fine for me.

I know the Nat Geo stuff now comes on 2 dvd's (for CO) rather than 7 cd's, and they dropped the price recently.


Parallel Thread

I started a thread on this same subject in the GPS and Computers (Hardware) section. Had I seen this thread earlier, I would not have stated it... My apologies.

Now subscribed to both threads and hope specific recommendations on Software, GPS Receivers, and Map Sets will be identified (and specified) for both Mac and PC users.



From DeLorme Tech Support

Thank you for contacting DeLorme Technical Support. Topo 8 will only install and operate in a Windows environment. If you have an Intel based Mac, you can use Parallels or Bootcamp to run Windows and then install our software.

You can use any GPS receiver that processes GPS signal in the NMEA 0183 standard with our Topo software.


I still havn't picked a software setup. With more research I've found more choices. I wish that mapsource supported live tracking. It was free, and there are a lot of maps available for free as well. It might with something I dont know about yet.


I guess another Raster/Vector issue...

Are Delormes maps "smart" as Chris mentioned or are they just data being rendered? . . .

I'll assume we're discussing the "Topo" product. (DeLorme also has XMap products, which are used for pro GIS applications.) The Topo maps are smart in a sense that there is a whole set of "draw" objects (which are vector) that the user can create and use with the maps. One example is the ability to draw roads and then use them with auto-routing. That is the user-defined stuff. . . then there is the DeLorme vector data, which could be considered smart as well. Maybe not to the degree of some functions that a GIS survey would use, but smart in that you can search the POI database, hover over objects and see info, use referenced points to calculate data, see sunrise/set times, adjust sunlight/terrain shadowing, etc. I would consider all of these functions to be more than just rendering (sitting static on the the screen).


The Garmin one user license actually cover up to 2 installs. I have all my Garmin software installed on both my home desktop PC and my Laptop. No problem.:sombrero:

The problem I believe is changing gps devices. I would try it, but I don't want to screw up my system.


Expedition Leader
"I wish that mapsource supported live tracking"

it does- but if you have an old version and are using a USB cable you'll need the update and then it will work fine.

for some reason one of the versions won't work with USB where the earlier and later versions did.


"I wish that mapsource supported live tracking"

it does- but if you have an old version and are using a USB cable you'll need the update and then it will work fine.

for some reason one of the versions won't work with USB where the earlier and later versions did.

I have the latest version, but I dont have a GPS or anything yet. Does it just automatically recognize the device? When looking around through the menu's I dont see an option for the live tracking.


Expedition Leader
You have to connect it using the software - the side panel then appears !

LHS of the screen


any idea if it will work with a puck style receiver like the BU-353?


Expedition Leader
If the puck talks garmin yes

Oh and mapsource you can install it on as many machines as you like

the maps are the controlled part both in mapsource and downloading to the GPS

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