While the HOA thing is true, and living is commercial zones is often frowned upon,
many cities do allow a live-in or full time “security guard” to live on-site in an RV. If you really hit a home run you might find someone to pay you to live near their shop and use their compressed air! Don’t expect much.
I would target a small town (flexible zoning laws?) on the outskirts of a large city (plenty of sources for stuff) in a relatively mild climate (southwest at elevation or generally mid-south). I would offer to work for cheap + exchange of services like tools, forklift, welders, and security presence, at something like a small manufacturer, fabricator, repair shop, ranch, quarry, junkyard or agricultural business of some sort. I’ve seen these types of deals before, and they usually seem like fun.
Remember that the more industrial a city, the more suppliers there are. Being in zero sales tax won’t matter if everything has to be shipped long distance and you can’t buy raw materials locally.
I would bet that you spend more on tools than the materials unless you develop a lot of local friends.
And, last but not least, working for the business helping you means you can be covered by their insurance and leverage their supplier relationships.
Have fun.