Bigassgas Explorer
Given all went well with the shake down run we carried on with our usual plans of our annual Desert Trip. There were 6 total trucks confirmed to go (4 from CO and 2 from CA) but as the departure date grew closer people were dropping like flies for various legit reasons. Come departure day only 3 of us were rolling out but as luck would have it about 2.5 hours from home as we were approaching Alamosa, CO Bill got a call from his dad that his aunt died so he turned back to go help his dad with the affairs and what not. Now the DT21 squad was down to just Ian in an 8.1L powered M1008 Military Blazer and myself. With it now just being the two of us we stopped and studied the map to revaluation our plans for the week and we decided upon ditching our Northern Arizona plans and continuing West on CO 160 to Urvan to catch the Rim Rocker Trail then figure it out from there.
Rim Rocker was pretty neat. Its really nothing more than a dirt road really but we never saw anyone until we reached Buckeye Lake on the second night of the Trail.
Airing down at the entrance of the Rim Rocker
We set up camp about an hour into the trail as we had been on the road since 5 am and took the absolute longest route from Pueblo to this area being we had a change of plans along the way. We were pooped and the skies looked like they were going to open up any minute, which they never did
Don’t see much frame flex anymore

We ran across this sign the next morning not far from were we camped
Pretty scenic
Around 3 ish we rolled into Buckeye Lake where we decided to set up camp early to study the maps to determine were to go next
I never even thought about bringing a fishing pole on a Desert Trip but I was sure wishing I had
The next morning we bailed out of there with the rigs pointed towards Moab.
Ian had never done the White Rim Trail before so we figured we’d pedal up to the visitors center and see about any open camp spots but first we had to air up these pesky big tires
Rim Rocker was pretty neat. Its really nothing more than a dirt road really but we never saw anyone until we reached Buckeye Lake on the second night of the Trail.
Airing down at the entrance of the Rim Rocker

We set up camp about an hour into the trail as we had been on the road since 5 am and took the absolute longest route from Pueblo to this area being we had a change of plans along the way. We were pooped and the skies looked like they were going to open up any minute, which they never did

Don’t see much frame flex anymore

We ran across this sign the next morning not far from were we camped

Pretty scenic

Around 3 ish we rolled into Buckeye Lake where we decided to set up camp early to study the maps to determine were to go next

I never even thought about bringing a fishing pole on a Desert Trip but I was sure wishing I had

The next morning we bailed out of there with the rigs pointed towards Moab.

Ian had never done the White Rim Trail before so we figured we’d pedal up to the visitors center and see about any open camp spots but first we had to air up these pesky big tires