The OEM LED headlights in my 2027 JKU get coated over pretty quickly in any sort of snow storm, this in Northern Utah. Must be because it's “the greatest snow on earth”. Pain in the neck and I has me looking around for other options/solutions.
Quoting myself here. Possible bad form.
I drove home last night in the snow - 20 miles and a 2000ft climb up I-80 in Northern Utah. I figured the headlights would coat over and be pretty dim by the time I got home. Now I have read where people have used Rainex and/or WD40 on the lenses to keep them clear and I have tried both with no success. So last night I walked out the car after work and tried something different - saliva. I didn't have anything else so I thought what the heck and rubbed a gob of spit on each lens. Now I'm not say it worked - maybe the snow was particularly dry, maybe it was blowing up the canyon the same way I was driving, maybe it was that there were few other cars on the road kicking up goo - but when I got home and in the garage I looked at the lenses and they were dead clear. Not a drop on them. The fog lights, which I hadn't hit with the spit, were coated over though.
Like I said I don't know that the spit did the trick - it's only one time and conditions might have been favorable - but it's the first time I've driven the Jeep while its snowing and not had the lenses get coated to some degree. Makes me wonder. I'm not going to get my hopes up but you can be sure I'm going to try it next time. I mean, why not? The stuff is free.
And I should add: Your Spit May Vary (YSMV)