Correct me if I am wrong, but the only difference between micro four thirds and four thirds is that in the "micro" version the sensor sits much closer to the flange of the lens. Design-wise, it was to make the camera and lenses more compact; the additional benefit of a MFT camera that you can use "bigger brother" lenses with adapters - the "back focal length" of four-third or full-frame lenses is longer than the distance between the lens flange and sensor face. For example, I use an Olympus film camera 50mm F1.4 lens and Four-thirds Olympus 18-180mm zoom lens with Olympus E-M10 MFT camera.
Conversely, the camera you have has the distance between the lens flange and sensor larger than the "back focal length" of the lens, so your best bet is to either sell the lens, or buy an MFT camera.
That said, I have not been impressed with Olympus M.Zuiko-branded MFT lenses. Not at all.