No rain this morning after constant two days of heavy rain, so I got out a bit ago and took these three pics.
The first pic is from the bigger compartment, and it has:
1. Two GSI Pinnacle cook sets, a large, and a small all nestled together in the large bag.
I had bought the large set at first, and even the smallest pot from it was too big if heating up a can of chili.
Customer service checked for me if both sets could be combined, and indeed they are.
I now have a super set
2. Three coffee mugs.
3. Paper towels, and a paper towel holder that fits on the side of the chuckbox.
4. One Coleman propane bottle and stand for the stove.
5. A few dish towels and a full size hand towel.
The old hand towel holder I used for the wooden chuckbox will not work with this new one.
6. And a silicone mixing bowl (I use the larger ones for home), plastic colander, and an battery operated cooking timer.
I have had the windup ones for home and camping, but I find they are unreliable, as they often get stuck on their countdown, thus the battery one is way better.
Second picture is from the shorter lower compartment.
Trail Kitchens had intended for this to be a stove compartment, but with the addition to my chuckbox with the drop down cable, the door does not come down far enough to stuff a stove in there.
Also I would rather use it for storage.
Just about everything I use the carry in the heavy/bigger wooden chuckbox I can carry in this new one with the exception of the stove.
1. Plastic container for Camp Suds and a scrub pad for dishes.
I also use this biodegradable soap for washing hands and when I take a shower camping.
2. GSI enamel plates, bowls, and two sizes of paper plates.
3. Measuring cup, long lighter in case the piezo starter on the stove takes a dump, and a toaster.
The latter have been on the market for decades, and work great.
4. AeroPress coffee maker with a burr grinder in the bag, and also a stainless steel mesh filter.
The AeroPress comes with paper filters you throw away, buy the stainless steel one, you will not regret it.
5. StanSport propane hose extension that fits Camp Chef stoves perfectly, foil, and one gallon ZipLock Slider top bags.
I carry the smaller ZipLock ones in my biggest Alu-Box.
And from the top slideout shelf, my two utensil drawers as seen below.
1. Silverware with bears on it that I got from Cabela's years ago, magnetic lid holder can opener I saw from a thread here, and a larger stirring/serving spoon from the white utensil compartment.
Also very hard to see in the far left side, a long bread cutting knife that I use to cut most of the food up with.
2. In the black container, heavy duty cutting scissors, a hand whip, spatula, tongs, and a nice egg beater.
So nice I bought one for home too.
I do have the new GSI Santoku knife set on order.