That's it! Sorry for the mistake! Enjoy camping this weekend it looked like a great area!
That is a nice looking truck. Congrats!New wagon:
Where exactly is this? I'm pretty close to Table Rock, and in fact will be there next weekend.
How do you put a stock on something with an I6 in it? Don't get me wrong, I love the engine, but that's just tacky in the extreme. Is it even functional or just for looks?
How do you put a stack on something with an I6 in it?
The Cummins 5.9, and 6.7 are I6s. Plenty of morons cutting holes in their boxes and putting idiotic stacks on them.
Sorry, do I sound too harsh? Maybe. Stacks are still stupid! Nice truck Gab. Can't wait to see how it turns out!
Stacks are plenty stupid. Nothing like destroying the use of a truck bed. I walked by 12v dodge the other day with on of the awful stacks and the truck was covered from headlight to tailight from the exhaust and of course it had one of those stupid cummins stickers in the rear window.
Stacks have there place.
I have thought about putting one in my little ford.
If you want to haul something you just hook up the trailer.
Stacks have there place.
I have thought about putting one in my little ford.
If you want to haul something you just hook up the trailer.
Tune in next week when I discuss the merits of tucking your ears inside a ball cap! :elkgrin: