Stock K1500
Meet Mahana. She is ugly. Her name originated from the short movie Johnny Lingo (watch it here if interested: because she is ugly.
Covered In Mud:
Down By The River: (Phil Collins is just an inside joke with my friends)
Flexing about as much as the stock suspension allows: (Darn you IFS)
If the sticker says it, it has to be true:
Though she is ugly, she has never failed to take me where I wanted to go and 4x4 gets engaged regularly. With no modifications except a camper shell and decent set of tires I have had it through some easy-moderate offroad challenges and spent a number of nights in the bed. Most recently it was my home for 5 days while hunting Deer in Southern NM. It would have been my home while hunting Elk too but I filled my tag on my first day so I didnt get a chance to sleep in it... thats too bad...

Honestly the only mod I have in mind in the near future is to weld up a simple and sturdy front bumper. The reason being that with 215k and the engine using 1qt of oil every 800 miles, the future is uncertain. I will either drive it until it dies and cut my losses and sell it or swap in a detroit diesel and keep it for a while.
In the end this is more of a forum introduction than a posting of a cool modified truck since there isnt a dedicated thread for that that I could find. I am Dr. Buchenrad. I live in central NM and I love spending time outdoors whether Im living out of my truck or backpack. I have been a lurker here for a while but I decided to finally register.
My dream adventure rig is a VW Amarok with a utility bed trailer, but VW doesnt love us here in the US... On more reasonable terms a Suburban would suit me fine.
PS: The front end damage was from the previous owner not me, but it doesnt bother me too mcuh. The way I see it, it made the truck cheaper for me to buy.