Beautiful shot, I like that area around Whitehorse, I always wish I had more time every time I go through there.View attachment 134894
Hi everybody, we are new to the site, but here is a shot of our two trucks by our cabin north of Whitehorse YT, we summer up there, and winter in Quebec
1995 Bronc, 3 inch lift, 351W
1995 G250, Ex- German Army
This was one of the last pics of my burb before it croaked.
This was one of the last pics of my burb before it croaked.
I have replaced it with something that has a few more creature comforts and is spec'd out ohhhh sooooo nice.....
WPNAES - I love the spare tire mount. Who made that? Do you have any other pictures of it?View attachment 133251
First off welcome to the site JAHB and thanks for posting some pics of your wicked :Wow1:looking rig. Here is a full size camping pic....
I hope you all like my quick camp set-up....:ylsmoke:
I like it better in lurking in the deep woods and bushes like in :safari-rig:your previous pics....