Everybody loves hummingbirds, and southeast Arizona is the best locale in USA to observe them. The monsoon season in mid to late summer helps produce fresh flowers on many plants. Less common species of hummers wander northward from the mountains of Mexico during this period. Ramsey Canyon and Carr Canyon, near the town of Sierra Vista, are internationally famous places to watch for hummingbirds during this period.
Hummingbirds are sexually dimorphic, so the "orange birds" and "green birds" mentioned above could well be male and female of the same species. Mature males have the gaudy iridescent feathers on the throat and face. Immature males show small traces of shiny feathers as their adult plumage starts to appear. Females generally lack the shiny feathers so they can sit undetected while nesting. Male hummingbirds take no part in incubating eggs and feeding nestlings.