Hillbilly of Leisure
Let’s talk about seasoning. I’ve yet to try it and have been using liberal amounts of oil in my cast pans.
How does everyone like to season their pans?
How does everyone like to season their pans?
Let’s talk about seasoning. I’ve yet to try it and have been using liberal amounts of oil in my cast pans.
How does everyone like to season their pans?
I think the salt and potato peels are more to help distribute the oil against the steel while it's "cooking" onto the surface. There's not really any chemical process that salt adds to the seasoning. Seasoning is polymerized fats and oils bonded to the surface; Na and Cl don't really enter in to it.But there is also a group of people claiming salt really helps the process - test kitchen had a video where they heated oil, salt (like a cup of the stuff), and potato peels in a fry pan until smokin' hot, then just discard all that stuff and start using it. Ah - This Video on carbon steel pans
My first cast iron frypan was purchased when I moved into my first apartment 43 years ago. I have since purchased 5 more cast iron pans from 6 inches in diametre to full size. I nearly killed my brother in law when he "cleaned' my 30 year old pan and I had to reseason it. The pans are heavy, clean up with a bit of hot water and a stainless scrubbie (or often just a rag) and I love using them. I even backpacked with the smallest pan (I was only out for a week).Seasoned carbon steel, cast iron, teflon, seasoned steel.......my wife just picked up two porcelain coated pans and damn they are slippery, darn near flipped the eggs out of the pan. Will see how well they hold up....
As for camp cooking, anything coated in bacon grease works
Cast iron sizing will be the diameter at the top of the pan. So, a 10" skillet really has an 8" cooking surface.Question on cast iron sizing ... is a 10" pan 10' diameter at the top, or at the bottom? Seems like with tapered sides there's a 2" difference so its hard to know what's what. Thanks.