Life Remotely - From our home in Seattle to Tierra del Fuego in a 1997 4Runner


Yes, we are planning to release a v2. Although there has been much debate what to add, update, edit, etc. Every time we discuss we get overwhelmed, then drink too much, then have bad hangovers, and of course, get absolutely nothing done on the book. You know, typical writer's block.

So, it is coming, it just might be a little while. We are always looking for feedback. If there is anything we should add, improve or remove, please let us know. It helps immensely in our preparations.


Hi Jessica, here's a few ideas that have wondered about in my pre-trip planning, if this helps at all.
  1. Did you end up with some travel specific vocab words that would come in handy, that aren't necessarily taught in typical spanish classes? Common vocab for border crossings, gas stations, etc?
  2. Any driving tips that varied by country? Maybe more of the "social/unofficial" rules that people tend to follow?
  3. How did you manage paperwork throughout the trip? Were you able to get most necessary forms and copies at the borders? Any supplies that you took with you or wished you would have taken? Pre-printed forms, stapler, etc?
  4. Recipes based on regionally or locally available food? Not necessary specific to that area, but more of a "here we could readily find these main ingredients, so made these dishes" type of thing? Worth hauling a dutch oven down there? And maybe a small oil pan fire pit? Could you find firewood in some areas, either to gather or for sale?
  5. For the more remote and less developed areas where you all camped, would it be worth while to have a small camp toilet to minimize environmental impact or were facilities adequately available even in the remote areas?

That's about all I can think of right now. Hope all is well!



Hi Jessica, here's a few ideas that have wondered about in my pre-trip planning, if this helps at all.
  1. Did you end up with some travel specific vocab words that would come in handy, that aren't necessarily taught in typical spanish classes? Common vocab for border crossings, gas stations, etc?
  2. Any driving tips that varied by country? Maybe more of the "social/unofficial" rules that people tend to follow?
  3. How did you manage paperwork throughout the trip? Were you able to get most necessary forms and copies at the borders? Any supplies that you took with you or wished you would have taken? Pre-printed forms, stapler, etc?
  4. Recipes based on regionally or locally available food? Not necessary specific to that area, but more of a "here we could readily find these main ingredients, so made these dishes" type of thing? Worth hauling a dutch oven down there? And maybe a small oil pan fire pit? Could you find firewood in some areas, either to gather or for sale?
  5. For the more remote and less developed areas where you all camped, would it be worth while to have a small camp toilet to minimize environmental impact or were facilities adequately available even in the remote areas?

That's about all I can think of right now. Hope all is well!


Hi Corey!
Thank you so much for this info. It is EXACTLY what we have been looking for. We really want to expand the v2, but knowing what and how has been a struggle. I think a lot of these we could write individual articles on our website as well. RE: your point #4. There is a cookbook coming soon to an Overland Expo near you. Stay tuned for details. :)

Thanks again. If you think of others, give us a shout.

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Hi Jessica, here's a few ideas that have wondered about in my pre-trip planning, if this helps at all.
  1. Did you end up with some travel specific vocab words that would come in handy, that aren't necessarily taught in typical spanish classes? Common vocab for border crossings, gas stations, etc?
  2. Any driving tips that varied by country? Maybe more of the "social/unofficial" rules that people tend to follow?
  3. How did you manage paperwork throughout the trip? Were you able to get most necessary forms and copies at the borders? Any supplies that you took with you or wished you would have taken? Pre-printed forms, stapler, etc?
  4. Recipes based on regionally or locally available food? Not necessary specific to that area, but more of a "here we could readily find these main ingredients, so made these dishes" type of thing? Worth hauling a dutch oven down there? And maybe a small oil pan fire pit? Could you find firewood in some areas, either to gather or for sale?
  5. For the more remote and less developed areas where you all camped, would it be worth while to have a small camp toilet to minimize environmental impact or were facilities adequately available even in the remote areas?

That's about all I can think of right now. Hope all is well!


Hey Corey,

You can find very detailed information about numbers 2 and 3 for every country on the route at

I hope your book does well, you guys have provided me and I'm sure ton's of people out there a boat load of primo info, thanks for your efforts!!!

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