My plan right now is to dump data into Grafana and make a simple dashboard with that, looks like most of the plumbing is there.. wont be realtime tho, so I'll it up to publish activity to MQTT and then make a fancy web dashboard to display that data in realtime.. alot of that work looks like its been started, it'll just be tweaking it to my needs.
From my understanding the dbus api is stable/static, and the Bluetooth API is ever changing and evolving.. they dont release BT API not because they trying to keep it a secret, they just dont wanna have to support it and maintain flexibility of breaking backwards compatibility whenever they please.. from a developer POV, I'd rather stick w/the dbus interface.. I dont really need to reconfigure anything, just monitor values and turn some things on/off when I determine is appropriate.. if I can stop charging, and stop discharging.. which looks easy enough, then I'll be able to wrap my LFP in many layers of protection so it can just do its thing unsupervised w/out giving me anxiety.
The RPI4 is going to get a 1TB SSD via USB3 and also be a Media/Music server, and I'mna have a map display showing APRS position reports.. display will be fully html5 driven so it could also be viewed remotely via Wifi.
Victron wise, I'll have BMV-712 (Ve.Direct), two SmartSolars (50A & 30A) w/Ve.Direct, and my 1200VA Inverter (Ve.Direct).. sprinkle in some BatteryProtects in dumb relay mode here and there.. other sensor inputs will be indoor/outdoor/fridge temps, an internal motion sensor, barometric sensor, AC Current Sensor (input total) and god knows what else I come up with...
I looked at wiring digram for my Honda genset, its got an open circuit for engine running and a closed circuit for shutting it down.. I was gonna put like a headphone port on it and have a pigtail come out of the trailer I plug into it.. I cant have the genset auto start but I can have it auto shutdown, so like if we go on a hike I can fire up genset and walk away.. it'll charge up fully and then turn off the generator automatically whenever the bank is full.. we leave base camp frequently enough I would never have to listen to it run if I got no solar for whatever reason.
Code wise I'm not that daunted, at least getting off the ground, few weekends and I'll be at MVP.. its rebuilding the cabinet, getting all the components, rewiring everything and polishing it to look professional thats gonna get me, i might be a lil OCD.. I'll just temporary mount the PI down below in meantime and start playing with all that headless, then bring it together with the new cabinet when its ready to go w/out disrupting anything.. just incase my plans go sideways.