Regardless f the style of camping (when I go light I get out the backpacking gear, but I primarily Jeep camp from a base camp).
Generally you will need;
Knowledge of the best/most appropriate ways to build a small campfire; though a fire is not essential it is often a good thing.
2 BIC lighters one in the pack and one in your pocket.
Clothing appropriate to the climate, terrain etc. (I favor a wide brimmed hat, long sleaved shirt, long pants and hiking boots with appriate jacket/coat gloves etc).
Shelter (I use a tarp/tyvek sheet or one of several tents)
A sleeping bag, of appropriate temperature rating, with a stocking cap and a way to improve its (the bag's) low temperature rating (layering) in case of a cold spell.
An insulating pad or hammock (not a hammock fan, myself; but many like them).
A way to carry & store water (I reserve filtering/purification for extended trips).
Food and a way to cook/warm it.
Personal cleanliness items (soap, tooth brush razor (at lest for me) comb, washcloth, towel, toilet paper and at least a trowel or shovel to dig & cover a cat hole.
A first aid kit that goes beyond the ouch/band-aid level.
In buggy areas bug spray.
Sunscreen, especially at high altitudes.
A Chapstick.
In areas where a campfire is allowed a way to trim firewood to length is often handy though not essential (I favor a large Svensaw).
a LED flashlight should be considered essential, IMO, run time is much more important than excessive brighness; some really like headlamps, however I find them to be not great when using a wide brimmed hat.
A comfortable place to sit beats the heck out of logs, rocks or the ground.
A lantern is unnecessary, IMO, though many seem to think that having them glare in everyone's eyes is an essential part of camping.
Firearms are not essential and largely unnecessary though bear spray, at least, is often recommended in grizzly/polar bear (brown bear) country.
Rambo knives are silly, IMO (a mora will do for virtually any cutting/slicing needed in camp).
Some consider axes and hatchets essential, I have never needed/desired one in remote places.
You are in for a great experience; take all advice with a grain of salt and establish your own style.
Most of all...