Lightbare wiring question


Crew Chief
I feel kind of stupid for asking this now, but I need to make sure I'm wiring in my light bar correctly. Besides the light and a battery, what else is needed to wire in an LED light.

The lightbar I'm using is and Eyourlife 50" that came with no instructions.

All I need is a list of parts and a just a wiring diagram. No youtube videos, no lengthy explanations on why something is needed. Just parts and a drawing to show where they go in the wiring harness.


Can't help with a pic but I can tell you it will need a resistor. Make sure to get some good environmental splices. If you are in good with the E&E guys on base guy talk to them about splices, they may be able to get you some.


Crew Chief
I prefer to solder my connections, then use heat shrink tubing on them. Much better than a crimp connector. Anyways, I do better electrical work than the E&E guys I work with. I can get ahold of all the splices I'd need.


No need for a resistor,all light bars have their own drivers and regulators built in,even the really cheap ones.

Are you going to be putting it through a switch or a feed from the main beams from the headlights? You'll need a relay for sure,and a fuse to go between the battery and the relay.

Have a fused feed from the. Battery going to the terminal 30 on the relay,and terminal 87 going to the +ve on the light.

Terminal 85 can come from either your switch or the trigger for your high beams,and finally terminal 86 goes to ground.

So all you really need is a 12v relay,4 spade connectors as it is really hard to solder onto a relay terminal an inline fuse holder and away you go. To connect up the light bar either solder the wires together or use a connector,I used amp super seals on mine,but I had some knocking about.


Crew Chief
No need for a resistor,all light bars have their own drivers and regulators built in,even the really cheap ones.

Are you going to be putting it through a switch or a feed from the main beams from the headlights? You'll need a relay for sure,and a fuse to go between the battery and the relay.

Have a fused feed from the. Battery going to the terminal 30 on the relay,and terminal 87 going to the +ve on the light.

Terminal 85 can come from either your switch or the trigger for your high beams,and finally terminal 86 goes to ground.

So all you really need is a 12v relay,4 spade connectors as it is really hard to solder onto a relay terminal an inline fuse holder and away you go. To connect up the light bar either solder the wires together or use a connector,I used amp super seals on mine,but I had some knocking about.

Thanks. That actually helps. Eyourlife got back to me with a "we don't give instructions on how to use our products", so this is really useful. I'd known that a relay was used, but wasn't sure where it fit in the wiring.

Now all I need to do is figure out how to run the wires down to my control panel. I'm running a separate switch btw. I try to keep my add-ons separate from the stock systems, so I don't risk interfering with anything else. If one light set goes out, it won't screw with anything else. I like keeping my options open.


Crew Chief
Okay, I got a basic wiring harness put together. Problem is, I think my light has a short in it. It blew the 30 amp fuse as soon as I tested it out. I tried temp hooking up the wires without the fuse, just to be sure I just put in too small a fuse, but the lights wouldn't come on and the extension wires I had running to the light were getting way too hot. So that's where I'm at.

And yes, I know the relay was working, since I could hear it click whenever I turned the switch on and off. Its a 40 amp 12 volt DC relay

Anyways, I yanked the whole thing out and now I'm gonna try to get back in touch with Eyourlife and get a refund and go with a different light brand.


Good luck with it. I order some lights from lineside led they were really well priced come with a free wiring harness, waterproof, and shockproof. I have to say for a off brand I was impressed with the quality.


Crew Chief
Finally got it all wired up and working now. Thanks.

The problem was at my end as it turned out. One of the wires had an internal break, which I only noticed as I was wrapping it up and it just bent. Spliced that break out and now everything it working perfectly.

Here is my wiring circuit I ended up with. The fuse panel was already there for other features, so I just threw in the switch fuse there and wired in a 40 amp auto resetting circuit breaker, as I couldn't find a 40 amp fuse holder. The switch is wired up, but not mounted yet, since I plan on redoing all my switches on my old control panel.

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