Little Tarheel II install questions


Snow on the Roof
Several months ago I picked up an Icom IC-7100. This is a great little radio! Much better than the old IC-707MKIIG I owned looooong ago. I am planning on removing my IC-207H from my 5th Gen 4Runner and installing the new Icom in its place. I also just picked up a nice used Little Tarheel II. I used to have a Tarheel 100 on my 2000 Tacoma. It was mount on a Stout steel rear bumper. It worked O.K., but nothing impressive. Probably because the antenna body was next to the right rear of the Tacoma's box.

So, I was first thinking of installing the little Tarheel on the front of my rig; either on my ARB bumper in one of the two light mounts on top of the bar, or on the right side near the headlight. But now I'm thinking of installing it just in front of the windshield at the center/rear of the hood. I've checked and there would be no problems with opening or closing the hood. There may be some issues with coax and control cable to the radio (radio mounted under passenger seat). Has anyone else tried that location? Any positive or negative thoughts about it?

I would use a Diamond Antenna K400-3/8C mobile mount for this process. I have used a Diamond mount for my Comet 2m/70cm antenna for over a decade with no issues. I realize the Little Tarheel II is heavier, but I have never heard of anyone having issues using the Diamond mount on overlanding rigs with the Little Tarheel antennas. One last point, I will be using a 56" whip antenna.


1. Much better ground plane than a front or rear bumper mount.
2. Much better protection in wooded areas
3. Much better take-off angle.
4. Less interference from large metal body panels in that location.

1. Possible ignition noise issues due to its location directly above the engine.
2. Some conflict with frontal visibility, but no worse than antennas mounted on a ARB front bumper.

Do we have any great radio installation gurus out there that can give me some guidance?


It’ll be hard to bond the hood to the car but I’ve seen that setup done. I think the bull bar is safer and stronger with the quarter panel still best.

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Snow on the Roof
Thanks for the comments guys. Yea, I know bonding the hood will be a PITA, but think it may be worth the try. I will probably be doing most of my HF work with the car off sittng on a hilltop or something similar, ha ha. Both of the articles are excellent and relevant. With the manner that the Little Tarheel had to be mounted I just don't want to stick it too high in the air.

I will review the options for on the ARB bumper. Does ARB import the neato mounts for HF antennas? I keep seeing really cool setups in Australia, but no one ever zooms in on how the antennas are mounted. Tarheel does make something that will work if I am willing to drill a couple of holes in the bumper. It would be similar to my 2000 Tacoma setup, only in the front.

Dale in Tent 2004 Touched up.jpg

Then there is something on this page that MAY work. Perhaps a LTMT 1 mounted to a modified MT 7P.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
The ARB for my Tacoma has two welded-on tab. Mine have a 5/8" hole, I dunno if that's the standard size on all of them.


My old 1991 truck's ARB didn't have these tabs but ARB sells this brackets that you can bolt on for aerials.


But I didn't care for them, not as secure as I would have liked, so I made my own using exhaust clamps and piece of aluminum sheet. These worked fine business.



Snow on the Roof
HI Dave,
Thanks for the reply and the pics. My ARB bumper also has those welded on tabs. I like them for the VHF/UHF antenna, but also wanted something else for the Little Tarheel II. I really like your home brew mount. May have to give that a try.



Middle Income Semi-Redneck
If memory serves a 2" exhaust clamp fits perfectly on the ARB tubes.

I've also used vibration damping pipe clamps to mount stuff to ARB tubes. These are a little nicer to the bars being plastic rather than steel.



Middle Income Semi-Redneck
You can see both in use here, the plastic pipe clamps with bolts welded to them to hold my Hi-Lift and the antenna aerial adapter for a CB antenna.


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