Hi all
Does any of you have the Torque app installed if so. What would be the most important live PIDs
readings on your 7.3 psd van.
Yes, the most important ones are whatever you need at the moment. What I mean is that I set up one dasboard for general driving. Someone might wonder why I included the speedometer. I switch it to HUD at night and lay it on the dash. My second dashboard is basically for monitoring more parameters to see potential problems before they erupt!
Nice to quickly see fault codes and possible causes, see actual temperature gauges (unlike the idiot gauges on the dash). It simultaneously logs trip data for later viewing fuel usage, battery status, map locations, ambient air temp., barometer, avg. speed, distance traveled, cost per mile, and can tell you if you might not pass emissions test too!
How far is this related to 4wd/2wd camper vans?
Ummm, derjack, what about the above app functions doesn't have to do with adventure trips, or overlanding? Without knowing your vehicle will get there (and back!) on a fixed amount of fuel, in changing physical conditions, you could be left with a 0wd camper van (AKA - lawn ornament) broke down an unknown # of miles from where you started overheating but didn't know it! After paying for the tow with a kidney, and a lung to rebuild the top of the engine, you could spend the remainder of your trip roasting marshmallows at Joe's Garage waiting for parts to arrive! Sound like fun?