Nullifier said:
I have both. Are you going to put it on the cab or topper? If you have it on the topper you will need to add atleast 1 more bar to it other wise you will bend or break the 2 bars existing. You will want an extention for over the topper. If it is going over the cab then just plain basket is good. other wise it will over hang the windshield by a mile and look goofy
As far as load or mega here are my thoughts. The mega will match the width of your existing roof. This looks best however when vehicles are leaned over those wide racks can get cought up on tighter trails. More narrow ones do not. Also if you ever plan to put a yak next to your basket the load warrior is best. Yaks and canoes on top of cargo racks realy limit access to any gear you need to store.
Really good info, thanks.
I guess the extra height clearance/chance for snags is something I didn't really take into account.
Also, let me try to explain a bit better to your first paragraph. My intention is to mount the front portion of the basket on the cab of the pickup, stick the extension in the middle, then the rear end of the basket on the back, mounted to the rack on the canopy. Now obviously I'll mount where appropriate when I stick it on, but the goal is to have it sit about 3" back from the windshield and it to travel all the way to the rear of he canopy on the back of the truck. I don't have the measurements in front of me, but I recall last year measuring it all out and discovering that it seems to be just right in terms of length.
My plan for the basket is fuel cans, and a few gear containers. Basically to get the extra junk out of my truck bed (which is sooper-dooper small already). But still keeping all my trail-specific stuff vehicle-borne, I can drop the trailer (planning on modding an Army trailer in the future) which will keep all my extras, and camp-specific gear.
So, wtih that in mind, the only real problem you forsee as far as the Mega is serious angles on the trail?
Anyone know offhand how much actual real estate I'm losing Mega vs LoadWarrior?
I have a load warior basket with extension ready to go. It was on my taco Gen 1 for a few years. LMK if your interested in that.
Yes I am.