Here's a big picture for you:
I think what happens here is the link twists, and then from that point there is enough friction in the system that it no longer moves freely in all axes. In my case, it put enough force on the coupler that it bent up one of the ears that are designed to lock the coupler in position in the draw bar, and forced the coupler to rotate on the draw bar.
This happened on a trip to Canyonlands in the Maze. I discovered the damage when we arrived at the Doll House, which is as far away from the pavement we got on that trip. Not having any other realistic options, I pulled the trailer out, back through the obstacles that caused the damage, and then all the way home to So Cal. I guess the message there is that while it looks bad, and was replaced without hesitation, it's not necessarily a catastrophic failure out on the trail. This picture was taken in our driveway after we arrived home.