You may need to adjust the door striker stop bracket to eliminate play between the latch and the jamb.
Below is a picture.
I used a pencil to mark the original location. Then with the tailgate shut, pushed in to see how much it moved. Then moved the stop bracket to eliminate that movement.
If you look closely at the picture you can see the pencil mark where it was originally about 1/8" behind the striker stop bracket.
Since there is a rubber bumper bolted to the tail gate which sits against the tire carrier back plate, any looseness in the tailgate will cause a rattle sound over bumps, as the tire carrier moves separate of the body (since the bumper is attached to the frame of the Jeep, not the body).
Hope this helps,
So a few of us have them on here. After mine was installed a few years ago about 3 weeks later I had this rattle off the drivers side in the rear. Couldnt for the life of me figure it out. Come to find out a bolt was rubbing on that side. Had it trimmed up and not an issue since outside of me not shutting the latch totally and the tire swing coming around on my old Jeep and hitting the side as I left the car wash. As long as you latch the tire carrier you will not have that problem:sombrero:
what model? They have the new destroyer series as well as a few others.
I just had LoD full length rear bumper that is not attached to the door installed this week and am going on a trip that will total 7-800 miles next week. I sure hope I don't have any issues. So far I love the looks and it seems very rugged. Just having to go without the trail basket as it was backordered.
You may need to adjust the door striker stop bracket to eliminate play between the latch and the jamb.
Below is a picture.
I used a pencil to mark the original location. Then with the tailgate shut, pushed in to see how much it moved. Then moved the stop bracket to eliminate that movement.
If you look closely at the picture you can see the pencil mark where it was originally about 1/8" behind the striker stop bracket.
Was it a bolt on the Jeep or on the bumper. Have looked around and haven't found or seen any signs of rubbing. I took the tire carrier off, drove around and not squeak. Put the tirecarrier on without the tire and no squeak. Tire back on = squeak. The rim is as back as far as it can go. I think it might be the tire itself squeaking, if thats a thing, since it only happens when I hit pot holes..