I make do with two. A lot of people do three and never have a problem.
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Good to know. I think three is a good idea for me, considering we bring the dogs in the tent.
I've been doing the math. Going off Yakima's 165lb weight limit, which I am assuming is per crossbar, then a set of two bars can hold (roughly) 330lbs. This is probably being conservative, as Yakima has rated them for a dynamic (loaded up and moving down the road) load. Thus, 330lbs is my weight limit. Now, assuming that roughly 2/3 the weight of the occupants will be supported by the bars (because the other 33% is being supported by the ladder), I figure it like this:
Between myself and the fiancee, there will be a total of 390lbs of person inside the tent. Since about 66% of our weight is on the top half of our bodies, that means that the crossbars will be holding up around 258lbs. Add 15lbs for the little dog and we come to 273lbs. Throw in 20lbs for a safety margin (extra bedding, books, clothes, etc.), and it's now 293lbs. Don't need to worry about the 55lb dog, he sleeps near the door and is thus supported by the ladder.
Assume that around 60% (Half of the base, aluminum supports, bedding, and canvas, plus all of the aluminum support and canvas for the overhanging bit) of the 130lbs of the tent is supported by the ladder. The other 40% of tent supported by the bars is about 52lbs.
Adding that all up, that's 258+20+15+52=345. That's fifteen pounds over the theoretical weight limit for two Yakima crossbars. If I toss in another crossbar for an additional 165lbs of load bearing capacity, then that would up the limit to a grand total of 495. That'd give me a
150lb safety margin. I think throwing in a third bar will do the trick.