Down wit da Hui
SOTech Mission Go Bag might be a good choice.
Well I got my REI cooler that Sonoran Traveller suggested and it really looked perfect, till I got it. It's much bigger than I thought and it would be a bit too big for my first aid kit. The smaller one would probably work fine or I can keep looking for a good day pack with a fully opening zipped front, which is still a good choice. The purchase was not a waste though since Mo saw it and latched on to it right off to use as a cooler for day trips. Now there is a thought, using it for what it was designed for eh?
I don't understand why something that is designed for first aid supplies has to be so much more than something similar that has no special designation. It seems that suppliers are just taking advantage of a market. I can't keep buying stuff. I am going to be broke quick and have a garage full of storage kit and a first aid set up that resides in a grocery bag.
Still Looking
They sure do. Probably the same offshore source. I just wanted my first-aid bags to all be red and have the standard patch on them so they were completely unlike anything else in the truck. I don't want to tell someone to grab the 'such-and-such bag' when I can just say get the first-aid bag! The bigger M3-style is hanging inside the back door and one of their 7"Hx5"Wx2.5"************ is in my driver's door pocket. I would have used a Maxpedition FR-1 for the door pocket except for my personal color 'requirement'.
EDIT: Apologies to the OP for getting off-track from your specific-sized request for info.
You might check out www.RemoteMedical.com. There are a ton of choices listed in their Equipment Bags & Cases section - http://www.remotemedical.com/results#!Equipment-Supply_2&ea_c=Equipment-Bags-Cases
A good backpack and zip lock bags work best . I do this for a living and would not waste the money on over priced medical bags.
I have $300 bags in closet that I don't use. Cheap pack works much better. Organize it in zip locks and it keeps stuff water proof too.
Sent from the all knowing box!