Expedition Leader
:REOutArchery02: My survival rifle is my Ruger SS 10/22
My 24/7 is this Smith & Wesson
My 24/7 is this Smith & Wesson
:gunt: JIMBO
:gunt: JIMBO
big sky trapper said:wow a pretty good selection going among the members.
But my take on things has become a little differant as i get older
My personal ultimate survi weapon:
Its a .50 cal fire locked, rifled barrel, capable of loading traditional round balls as low as 175 grains or Mini balls up to 550 grain weight. Small shot up to buck shot.
I can make my own "bullets" over any campfire from just about anything. I can still legaly make for my own use up to 500 pounds of Black Powder per year with out any licencing ect.
I ve used just about everything from wasp nest to my shirt tails for packing and wadding.
This rifle has taken several deer, antelope, an elk, and to many ducks, grouse, pheasants, squirrels, gophers, beaver, coons ect to count in the last year. And one black angus cow of ours that had to be put down. And hopefully this winter a fair chase buffer!
A max loaded shot of 100 grains of Goex 3f and a patched round ball cost about 20 cents a shot with store bought componets As long as I do my part as the rifleman there's no animal on this continent i wouldnt go after with it
It dont need primers or caps, just a piece of flint or chert found all most every where for a sparker.
The muzzel report is extreamly quiet compared to any center fire, and no more recoil than a 5.56
And last of all at present no state or federal juristriction that im aware of considers it a "firearm". Although there are a few heathinistic places that it will be comming up shortly ....
RocTrac said:I would and am looking into a sidearm/carbine combo. I am still bouncing between the .357 .44 and .45 cal. All three are availble in a lever action carbine rifle and a easy to carry side arm. I guess it is time to check out the range and impact specs on each.