Looking for insight regarding 250watt solar panels


Engineer In Residence
Series parallel would give you better shade tolerance (2s2p). In the event of a single panel failure you would still have some output available. If you wanted to get really crazy, you could wire up a 4P2T rotary switch, which would toggle between series, and parallel. This would provide benefits for very cloudy conditions (4S) vs most other times (2S2P).


I would recommend one 75/15 per panel, as is.

The extra output will be much greater than the difference from any "coordinating" and the price will hardly be any more, just a bit more wall space and wiring.


As long as panel voltage is within the MPPT SC, say 10-15% headroom, yes straightforward, the first number "75, 100, 150" on the Victrons.

Yes outputs are paralleled to the bank, do not listen to malarkey about the SCs "needing" coordination.

I have a question regarding this sizing

When a Victron 100/30 charge controller says it is rated for 440 watts at 12 v or 880 watts at 24v is it referring to the solar input voltage or the system output voltage?

To maybe clairify

Can I only run 4- 100 watt 12v panels?
Or, can I run run 8- 100 watt wired 2S4P?

If the latter is correct, wouldn't a Victron 75/10 work for this 30v/250 watt panel for $110


The charge controller is rated in Amps from the panels 440 divided by 12 = 880 divided by 24 = 36.7 amps


Well-known member
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couple things here, first of all thats NOMINAL power, ie.. best results for most.. however, notice the big red arrow.. you can overpanel this fine, it will limit output at 30A, which means input will be less than 30A since it must be a higher voltage.

Charger output is decided by battery capacity, you dont want too small or it will take forever.. too big and your bank will never use it, unless your leaving overhead for future expansion.


When a Victron 100/30 charge controller says it is rated for 440 watts at 12 v or 880 watts at 24v is it referring to the solar input voltage or the system output voltage?

To maybe clairify

Can I only run 4- 100 watt 12v panels?
Or, can I run run 8- 100 watt wired 2S4P?

If the latter is correct, wouldn't a Victron 75/10 work for this 30v/250 watt panel for $110
Yes thought I already made it clear, ideal value is one 75/15 per 250W panel, 1:1 ratio.

Unless somehow 100/30 were close to the same price, or you don't mind wasting the extra money. Forget about adding more panels later, stick to 1:1 ratio.

Between power and current, the **primary** rating is Amps, and that is maximum Amps **output**, multiplied times battery charging Voltage is how approximate max output Watts is derived.

By definition, input power **has** to be greater than input, and in fact, unless you go **way** over on watts input - which Victron does give plenty of "overpanelling" headroom - you will only very very rarely see the SC ever get to rated output in real life.

So with a 12V system, that 30A rating means "around 440W" depends on charge voltage.

The rated (theoretical) watts of the panels could be 500 easily, even 600W, and that overpanelling **greatly** increases the **average** Ah charging output per day per controller.

The only time the panel's higher output gets "wasted" is in rare peak conditions, when your bank is likely to have been fully replenished long before sunset anyway.

The Watts output from the same Amps, doubles going from a 12 to 24V bank.

Hope this helps.


Well-known member
a 100/30 is like $220.. I got mine for $180, and it would be fine for all his panels.. would be less than half the cost of four 75/15's.


But assuming a 12V House bank, you need 2x 30A SCs, 500W input per 440W output is already overpanelled.

And any shading at all, a leaf even dust will give a huge overall efficiency advantage from each panel getting its own MPPT optimisation.

Yes might cost the price of a few fastfood meals more, bit more space & wiring, but IMO well worth it.

Of course putting everything all on one SC could work too, just discussing best practice, your rig your choice.


Well-known member
his house bank is 2 small FLA batteries, I presume GC2 or equivalent.. either way you cut it he's overpaneling the livign hell outta this.. he wont see 30A charge current, let alone 60A.. and a huge efficency loss when you got 5x as much solar than most is kinda still a tiny loss that has no tangible impact.

His battery will be full with one 100/30, even in severely shaded conditions.. no leaf is gonna mess him up, he dont have the load or bank to worry about it.. they just really cheap and he can fit em.. if at a later point he adds 2 more batteries he might go with 60A output, just add another 100/30 and rewire a few things.
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Yes that's a major factor, those panels should be paired with 300-400Ah at least, even keep up with double that in good conditions.


You can have too small a bank, so the output from all that panelage can't be captured.

I mean some people want to run their aircon off their panels, but not from stored power, but that's not what we're talking about here

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